
Responses from thomasheisig

Record Cleaners / RCMs
Try it. When you don't hear a diference, then it's ok for you. When I would have the decision between a expensive Cartridge AND NO RCM or a cheaper cartridge and a good Cleaning Machine I need no time to go for the last. The difference in my Syste... 
tonearm match ZYX Universe Moerch and Triplanar
Hey Tom, you prepare yourself really perfectly. Btw., Feickert, the Protractor man has his own Turntable ready for the Market. Stay tuned. 
Can you imagine a world without vinyl?
Come on, Albert is one of those who listen and he has his opinion. Other's think different or they link it with spending money. When I started in this "Hobby" I had nothing, no records, no CD's. I compared and I decided to go for Vinyl. Those who ... 
Kondo audio Note MC Step up Transformer
Dear Patrick, the Life from an Audiophile is always full of surprises. Thank you all. I enjoyed reading it. 
tonearm match ZYX Universe Moerch and Triplanar
What is that? A ringy Tone in M_A_N_Y Arms? The ZYX can have a ringy tone in many arms. It is not that the arm is bad. It is that the match is bad. I what Arms? Please write? I would like to know that. I used Zyx in Graham 2.2/Phantom/Triplanar/Da... 
Great bass from a linear tracking arm?
The UNIverse I have has the SB, I think, it is around 9 gr. A friend uses a Zyx 100 in his Air Line and he told me, it is very good (he owns a UNIverse, too), also a Transfiguration.I think, weight is one point, but probably the siffness from the ... 
Great bass from a linear tracking arm?
...says that the key to great bass is not higher pressure but a light cartridge.I use my Kuzma Air Line for a while now and I tried various cartridges with it. Mainly those, I know very well from Phantom or DaVinci and I am still learning.The ligh... 
tonearm match ZYX Universe Moerch and Triplanar
Here a few, who use the UNIverse with the Triplanar, I did, too. This is a very good match. I guess the Moerch is a bit unknown, but in Europe it is used for a long time and it is a good choice (normally), because you can use it with different Arm... 
Turntables from 1-10: Personality 8.5 Beauty 12
When you don't want to use it much, only for Show, how about Micro Seiki? 
Raven One
is it a good enough table to get a high end arm, like a phantom for example?I think, no one can say it, because it is too new on market and such combination will be rare.But I think, it is worth a try. 
Raven One
Well, the price for it is in Germany about 2900 Euro with Arm and it is selling very well. 
Top ten tube preamps
Really interesting unit is Lamm 
Well, one of my friends owns a Kondo KSL SF-z and had an Audio Note S2 (I think, that's the name from it) for a comparison. He told me, the difference was huge to his ears ( SF-z) 
Amps for Avantgarde
Saw a few with Atma-Sphere amps. I think, that's an interesting combo. 
Boulder 1010 preamp - phono stage
Well, I think, the answers will vary. One of my Audiophile friends uses his Boulder Phono in combination with Kondo SF-Z and Shelter Transformer and thinks, he likes it more than without them.