

Responses from theo

MoFi - Are You Kidding Me?
geoffkait, LOL!OP: Clean, Play, enjoy.... 
Using bi-wired speaker cable on speaker with single post
What are the terminations? If spades no issue, bananas you may have to re-terminate one lead or both to spades. But as far as sound, no you won't know the difference because the speaker is designed for one connection. 
Neat video of REGA manufacturing
OK Sorryhttps://www.thecableco.com/how-rega-does-it, hope this one works 
Schiit vs. Mytek vs. Chord - looking for some thoughts
Congrats on the purchase. It can be brain racking trying different DACs but I found when I heard the Cutest, my hunt was over.Enjoy! 
Cartridge (other than Rega) with Rega RP10
Ladok, sorry especially one responding earlier. But yes, I consider the Lyra as a house sound. I find they have a delicate revealing sound with over analyzing. Top to bottom I find them to deliver what is ever in the groove. To a point that I have... 
Cartridge (other than Rega) with Rega RP10
I have been using a Lyra Kleos on mine since day one. In advice from Jonathan Carr (Cart designer) I was able to acquire shims for 3.5mm  at the base of the tonearm. Mr Carr recommended 3.4mm but unless I have shims specially machined, which I may... 
Considering going back to Solid State
Mrdecibel, maybe that would have helped. My sources are RP10/Kleos/Linn Linto, Ayre C5xe-mp, Bluesound Node2 with Chord Cutest. Don't listen to CD's as much seems like streaming is so much easier. 
Considering going back to Solid State
As mentioned, I am considering the switch. But truthfully leaning toward change. I have read some great advice that support change and not changing. I must start now auditioning the different brands mentioned here where possible. But thanks to all... 
Considering going back to Solid State
I did read the Stereo times review and I think it warrants further investigation, thank you scott888. Yes the Ayre KX5 twenty is on my short list, being 40 miles from Boulder and having positive dealings with Ayre on C5xe adds favor as well. I rea... 
Sonos Announcement today 1/21/2020
My Android phone no longer is fully compatible as of 6 months ago. So while most companies work on improvements as Sonos should so they could be more compatible with HiRes, they have been working on obsolescence!I think I have figured out the acro... 
Considering going back to Solid State
Well first off, I want to thank you all for the great responses and advice. I would like to answer a few questions, if I may to start.Erik, the thought had crossed my mind but prefer to keep amplification separate. Tricon, Pass is another I want t... 
tweeter replacement, original glued in
One thing you might try, if you have a heat gun or a hair dryer. Heat the cabinet around the tweeter then apply ice in a. Sandwich bag directly to the tweeter. The sudden contraction might break the bond and while the glue is soft, it may come loose. 
Schiit vs. Mytek vs. Chord - looking for some thoughts
Sorry I didn’t see your question earlier but I think the best way to describe the sound of the Cutest is, warm without being too lush. It delivers the details without over analyzing and sterilization of the music. I like the Red filter of the four... 
Cardas cable users
I have my system wired with all Cardas and have had Quadlink as IC’s no speaker cable. I have used Quadlink, Golden Reference and currently Golden Cross between my Ayre C5xe and Pre amp. I had gone from QL to GR and found that although the QL was ... 
Schiit vs. Mytek vs. Chord - looking for some thoughts
I never did try the Shiit but did try the Mytek Liberty and the Cutest among a few others when I was buying. I bought the Cutest and have been very happy with it. It just seemed more pleasing to my ears and a better departure from the digital soun...