

Responses from theo

Beak -- an analogue tweak.
What table are you using. I have an LP12 and as a suspendedplatter any weight added other than the vinyl itself would cause problems in the suspension. I would say from a logicpoint of view that this would be true of any suspended platter. But as ... 
Michell Tecnoweight + RB700 Tonearm - Reversible??
I agree with the advice in leaving the technoweight on it. I had a P25 and added the technoweight and of all the upgrades I did to that TT the Techno was the most revealing. Much better bass extension and definition.I can tell you without going th... 
Divorcing..Splitting the cd collection..
CD-nap them run across state lines and never look back! 
Very best 5 ch amp to feed a complete PSB system
Also look at Ayre and McIntosh as options. 
Mcintosh Separates...
I agree with Jaybo I have owned many Mc amps in the past and the models w/autoformers far exceed the performance of those without. As a side note a recent thread here asked about the 252 vs. the 402 and you may want to look at a used 402 before yo... 
Linn vs VPI?
I recently looked at selling my LP12 and looked at VPI-Rega-ClearAudio and Project. All with rather poor representation in my area. But when listening at one store whom had a Rega P3 and a VPI Scout nesxte to each other I really preffered the rega... 
Who distributes Primare?
Call Rod at Soundings in Denver Colo. He was a dealer last time I was in there. Good guy to do business with. He isjust around the corner from the Marriott where the RMAF is held each year, if you are going he will be showing I am sure. 
New Record
15 records at one time. That is mainly because I use the Walker Prelude 4 stepp system and once you mix the enzyme you need to use it relatively soon. I can't imagine 45. My 16.5 get hot and I mean HOT with 7 or 8. 45 and I think I would be 'splai... 
Best Software for burning CDs
I have been using ROXIO and find it easy to work with 
Which cleaning solution do you use in you RCM?
I agree with Rushton and I add MoFi enzyme to the list as a second when I am in a hurry or on new. The walker is a time consuming process but does a great job. I just get some headphones and listen while I scrub and 10 or so records to make the mi... 
Wilson Sasha vs Meridian DSP 7200?
I have not heard the Sashas yet as they are too new. My dealer is getting some in soon. I have heard the Sophias, Duetts and the Maxx's and also the Meridians. I can tell you that my ears love the Wilson sound and was not impressed with the Meridi... 
New favorite VINYL Album?
Neil Youg Greatest Hits, great remasters. 
Mcintosh MC 252 vs. 402
The major differences between these two is the 1)power supply is a newer design on the 402 2)the 402 has dual differential circuitry (aka double balanced)which will provide a quieter background. Both are good amps I own a 402 and love it. 
9 year old 36" Sony XBR CRT doing the Jitterbug.
I would strongly look at making an investment in a new TV.If as Bob states the new power supply is 300.00, you will just be investing 300.00 toward obligation for any future issues that may arise. You can find some deals at dealers on demos, last ... 
3 Recomendations
Maybe AudioGon kneads two ad spel-cheker, and mikrow-sophtwerd four grahmer coreckshun.