
Responses from themadmilkman

which sub to add to vandy 1C's
I'm not going to argue-- it does breathe life into recordings. It was the system that I first auditioned when I started thinking about buying a stereo. I only went with the polks because of the amazing deal my wife gets at work (60% off). As soon ... 
Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase
The only lie I've told so far is perhaps the most common as well--"Yes, honey, this is my last upgrade for a while."Yeah right... 
which sub to add to vandy 1C's
I agree with you re: the price of the 2Wq, although it is an excellent subwoofer.In your price range I've heard very good things about Monitor Audio's subs. They may cost a slight bit more than $500, but are probably your best bet in the price ran... 
Correct way to us Shure VTF gauge?
I don't recall any difference at all no matter how I used the Shure Gauge. 
Bob Dylan: What do you folks thing about this?
Is it a crime to do something because it sounds like fun? I think it sounds like fun... playing your guitar surrounded by lingerie models... 
Are You Happy With 2 Channel SACD?
One should note that Sony is not very happy with EMM Labs as the digital output from their SACD player relays the pure DSD stream-- they get away with it because they are a pro audio company. It should also be noted that in current conditions that... 
What Is The Best 2 Channel CD Vivaldi Recording?
I really like Gil Shaham's rendition of The Four Seasons, accompanied by Orpheus. I'm a violinist myself and can't believe how well he manages to play it.I don't think it's being produced anymore, though... I looked it up and found it used on Amazon. 
Rotel: best multichannel amp for B&W P4?
As a general rule, I do not like B&W. The only time that I have liked a B&W speaker was when it was matched with Rotel separates. The two do very well together. The Rotel units seemed to help reduce a lot of the brightness and glare that I... 
killer violin tracks.
The soundtrack from Schindler's list is very good, as is most anything by Mark O'Conner. Gil Shaham is an incredible violinist as well-- especially the Four Seasons with Orpheus. Well worth picking up. 
Does "Non Compensated" Reviewing Still Exist?
I would love to have a current reference system and music listened to sidebar for every reviewer. It would make understanding their 'reviews' a lot more helpful. 
Does "Non Compensated" Reviewing Still Exist?
While I'm on top of my game here--As time goes on the full effect that magazines have will be interesting to watch. The Y Generation, or whatever you want to call them, reads more magazines now than anybody else ever really did. They also, however... 
Does "Non Compensated" Reviewing Still Exist?
Sean--The reviewers may have other jobs, but most publishers work exclusively as publishers. There are a lot of people working behind the scenes of a magazine that people don't often remember. THOSE are the people who are truly reliant on advertis... 
System for a dorm - how is this?
Actually, the remote that comes with the 320BEE controls both NAD's CD players and tuners. It's an excellent remote compared to their older models.I don't recall reading TAS review of the integrated unit. It may in fact be very good, but I really ... 
Does "Non Compensated" Reviewing Still Exist?
Let's see... magazines make roughly 90% of their profits from advertising... how do you plan to make an ad-free magazine then? Charge $30 an issue? Not pay your reviewers? Have no editorial staff?If you can find a way, more power to you. But magaz... 
System for a dorm - how is this?
Why not the NAD combo? Because everything I've read seems to point to the unit being trash. Not nearly as good as the separate units.There's a lot more to building a unit than simply cutting down on the number of interconnects. Generally I love NA...