
Responses from thegoodarcher

Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
Charles1Dad,Frankly i am not looking for an amp - to me i've already found my perfect amp - i was merely commenting on posts of others who seem to lean on tubes compared to SS as a match to silverback, this is quite evident when you google about s... 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
Shakeydeal - thanks a lot somewhere down the road i may get a tube amp - but not anywhere in the near future, even if i do it will only be for a second system..i have very little time to listen to music..and i find the tube hisses..clicks and pops... 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
Guys thanks a lot, yes indeed i listen to some poorly recorded/mastered albums - mostly digital via the dac and you know the entire dac thing is quite limited now, it sound only second to a very good/expensive cd player, but i am not keen on a cd ... 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
Thanks a lot 4musica55017 - i guess its a gamble nevertheless , i am taking your point into considerations! 
Looking for an alternative to Music Hall a70.2
at your budget at around 3k - i think the Hegel H100 is a must audition, i have the H300 at home, and its fabulous. 
Franco Serblin R.I.P. What happens to Ktema?
I found the Ktema's to be notoriously bright even they were paired with drier amplifiers, so i passed.. 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
Hi guys, thanks the amp is is an out of production Atec from france, it is heavily modified, you can compare the sound as if Pass Labs on "tube" steroids (but this is solid state) - but has a lovely midrange, a friend of friend sold it to me, as i... 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
anyone else help please? 
Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE
I would go the magic/hegel route - RMAF show that just passed - hegel was touted to have the best in show sound with Magico S1 driven by their new humble 75wpc Hegel H80 (the sound was seductively silky smooth). 
Hagel H200 with Magico Mini II's?
I would recommend the H300 Int from Hegel (250wpc), i use this in my living room system! 
Hegel HD20 DAC-Has anyone heard it?
Well i had the Hiface from my previous set up - yes you are right unlike other DACS which will need the hiface because of bad USB implementation - the HD25 seem to be just fine without it...but still i still have a weak spot for M2Tech..i've since... 
Is the Hegel H-20 better than the Parasound A-21?
Hegels are in a very different level altogether - Parasound, is very much inferior both in sound and engineering - just my opinion. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I've tried every dac in the market, to me the best dac which is value for your dime and price performance ratio is the Hegel HD25 (warm,organic,fluid and effulgent) - a very forgiving dac when it comes to poor sources - superb timing and natural t... 
DSD Playback and DSD Database
i think you can never go wrong with Mytek, the teacs are very pale in comparison - you can only get so much with a 800-900 dac - go the mytek route - true performance indeed! 
Harbeth P3ESR - What electronics are you using?
I was just about to say the same, my brother P3ESR with the Hegel H70