
Responses from thegoodarcher

6L6WGC/5881 Tube choices for Amp
Dear Frogram,Wonderful Pointers! and thank you so much!Dear XTi16,I am actually nearing for a decision to go with the D2s but just holding to hear from one more manufacturer!As far as the tubes go my Metropolis Amp has KT120 Output tubes which hop... 
6L6WGC/5881 Tube choices for Amp
Dear Frogman,Thank you very much doe your response - Do you mean this one? ?Have you experienced with TAD Tubes? lastly, does the 6L6 "W" GLC ... 
6L6WGC/5881 Tube choices for Amp
The Problem is i do not know which quads are good for the money i am willing to spend - for me the rolling stops threre - so i want to go for something solid - hope someone can help me.. 
6L6WGC/5881 Tube choices for Amp
Yes..Tes Rbrowne, Thanks a lot i couldn't find a better or NOS 12BH7 thats worthwhile, i am going to replace the ECC83 with the reason to look for a nice quad 6L6. 
6L6WGC/5881 Tube choices for Amp
Jedinite24 & Mechans,First of all Merry Christmas! and Thank you for your responses.Firstly, This is my Amp Little Amp! It put to shame a 300 Watt Integrated costing Twice as much and with 5 st... 
Hybrid Balanced Tube Preamp?
Thanks guy - this is going to be my "to the grave" system i don't want to spend a lot of time and money rolling tubes, but i hear you - the least number of tubes i might be able to acquire in a preamp maybe a minimum of 4, for it to be actually a ... 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
Dear Charles1dad,Thanks a lot i will check this out too! - but i am quite convinced with all the replies here that silverback will be a good choice especially after the update. 
Wilson Sophia 3 or Kharma DB7
Rogue's new Sphinx integrated. Anyone audition it?
Roscoeiii - I had the Cronus Magnum with KT120 it sounded ok with Harbeth 7ES3 anything else I tried, Paradigm,Totem,Sonus Faber, didn't really match..I also heard a lot of pop and clicks and all troubles associated with not so well engineered amp... 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
Rugby1 thanks a lot buddy i am definitely in favor of the SB after reading your for Charles1dad..I was not pinpointing or scrutinizing your thoughts I was merely communicating and your thoughts are always welcomed..As forChayro, I sho... 
Upgrade from original HRT Music Streamer II
My friend in the current RMAF that just passed, i heard the Hegel H80 Integrated Amplifier (75wpc,built in dac with two optical input,two spdif input,usb) - i can tell you for its price i think 1800-1900 def under 2k) it was a unbelievable combina... 
Rogue's new Sphinx integrated. Anyone audition it?
I've one owned a rogue amp merely from reading wonderful reviews on the net, the guys from rogue maybe great guys, but it was truly not my cup of tea..also its very difficult to partner with gears from other manufacturers..thank god i manage to ge... 
Franco Serblin R.I.P. What happens to Ktema?
Bvdiman - obviously the amp was bought first and then the search for speakers went on..if you can read between the lines..Ktemas are just over-rated, for their price TAD Compact Reference packs a stronger punch..and..may be a better buy. 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
Pojuojuo,The Silverbacks have been updated for 2013,i can't tell if this is going to be an outgoing model, or there might be a bigger model that is not going to interest me - in my country, the one dealer who is about to carry the devore, it seems... 
Devore Fidelity Silverback Reference.
FJn04,I hear that The Silverbacks have been updated for 2013, any model prior to 2012 can be updated to the current spec - what are the updates i haven't a clue - but i do know that its a small to midsize company which might not be technically sup...