
Responses from theflattire

Aric Audio and my system
Aric Audio
@subterranean6 Have you been able to compare it to any other phono stages?  I have a Modwright PH9.0 and been thinking hard on the Transcend.  I use Hashimoto HM-7s. @aricaudio Aric are you still going to offer the Transcend MM only?    
Tradeoffs of external phono stages?
Separates. You can’t pack a $3k phono stage into a $3k pre. I thought my system was great until I got a good dedicated phono stage. All my records were like remasters! Phono stage is the heart of your vinyl system. My phono stage (Modwright P... 
Aric Audio
@michaellent  Do you have the Transcend MM phono stage? I been eyeballing it for a while now. Not sure it would be an upgrade or lateral move compared to the Modwright PH9.0.  
MM Phono Stages With Greater Than 40 dB of Gain?
You can email Darlington Labs and order an MP-7 with higher gain. It's listed as +40db but I believe I've heard of customers ordering 42-44db. My EAR 834 clone is pretty close to my Modwright which is supposed to be 56db.  
Looking for a Warmer Sounding Phono Cartridge
Go with a Shibata or Elliptical.  
Modwright PH 9.0X Tube Rolling Question
man you guys are talking me into that T mod...  
Upgrade my older Linn Sondek or move on?
@thermionicemission  I looked at Clearaudio too.  I think you need to research the arms to see which combo is better.  Was very close to getting a Concept when the VPI popped up for sale. I think at this level, arms make the difference.  
Zesto Andros II with ESP vs Modwright PH 9.0 XT?
I have the PH9.0. Probably going to upgrade to the X. I like the separate PS.  Don't really like that it's a hybrid but the reviews convinced me. If I had the cash, I might have gone with the Andros II.  Better loading selection, not sure it's ... 
Upgrade my older Linn Sondek or move on?
I always wanted a Linn, but passed mainly because of the endless upgrades. I went another wish list TT: VPI Prime.  Despite what others may say, it's rock solid-set and forget. Clearaudio, EAT, and SOTA were also on the radar.  
TT cable question
I have no ground wires and I have no issues. YMMV  
What new gear have you just bought?
Yesterday I finished an EAR 834 clone (black board).  Sounds great! Not going to replace my Modwright PH9.0 but would be a nice back up if I hadn't butchered the chassis!  
I used to think pricey interconnects were snake oil...
Ain't life grand? One more upgrade path!  
Duelund speaker cable gauge for my system?
If you google it, there's a good write up on Duelund on a blog. I ran dual 16g and I found them bit on the warm side; I read that the larger gauge you go the warmer it gets.  Never tried the 12.  For speaker I ran them unterminated. Legendarium ... 
Moving Up from a Jolida JD9
A used Tavish Adagio will be in your budget, if you can find one. I would put it as just a bit below a Modwright PH9.0 (which I have and was able to compare with the Adagio; I sold mine for $1600). I used the Adagio with my VPI Prime.  It made m...