Responses from thecarpathian
What Is Most Important? @fuzztone , I see. I simply can't keep up with all the hijinks you zany hippies are up to these days. | |
The greatest tweak ever? You didn't miss a thing. | |
Bookshelf speakers on a bookshelf (Sad) "the designer we hired really F’d me. But I gotta move on. " mduffy18d, Unfortunately, living in Florida you’re going to run into A LOT of that. Incompetent, fly by night companies and individuals abound. Dishonesty is a hallmark trait of doi... | |
Anyone try the Rose RS180 Integrated? For 7k it ought not be. | |
What Is Most Important? Oh,my. Maybe give him half a brownie, just to soften up those hard edges... He appears to be quite the sour apple. | |
What Is Most Important? @larsman , lars, I think you need to give kob some of your gummies... | |
Anyone try the Rose RS180 Integrated? It is quite the interesting looking piece! | |
The greatest tweak ever? That’s not the point. The point is the premise that this fellow has a 'friend' who went to such extreme lengths and expense to duplicate a room, purchase all identical equipment, and even put in an identical solar electrical supply. Nonsense. | |
Anyone try the Rose RS180 Integrated? I believe you mean the HiFi Rose RA180... | |
Prima Luna evo300 owners Sorry, Juan. Didn't mean to give the impression I own the PL. I am interested in it, and I have a pretty extensive inventory of 12au7's and their variants. Hence my curiosity. | |
What Is Most Important? Thank you, Dan. Checked out your system, mighty impressive to me! | |
Prima Luna evo300 owners @blisshifi , Thanks, bliss. I've got to tell you, I really enjoy your posts. They're polite, informative, insightful and always interesting to read. Kudos, man! | |
What Is Most Important? @deadhead1000 , Interesting. And probably cheaper... | |
What Is Most Important? Question for our resident pot heads: Is blunt rolling different varieties akin to tube rolling different varieties, you know, to get a different sound?🤔 | |
What Is Most Important? @islandmandan , Hi, dan. What preamp do you have? |