Responses from thecarpathian
Phone preamp question Thanks all! Didn't think a non powered passive would do anything. Since it won't hurt anything, when the phono pre comes in I'll hook it direct. Won't have high expectations. Jerry, I'll check out that pre. This is for a simple interim turnta... | |
Phone preamp question And I of course wrote 'Phono'. A pox upon autocorrect! | |
Fraud /SCAM A lot of guys here and on other threads advising never transact with someone with zero feedback or new to site. Every person here buying and selling started with zero feedback. Don’t perpetuate a Catch22. If you’re interested in buying/selling an... | |
Green Mountain Audio @ovinewar1 , Any updates on the speakers? | |
Tubes, cheese, wine and cognac As jond is alluding to, there were materials and processes for tube making in their hay day that are now known to be hazardous. So it follows that whatever those specific processes/materials were, made for a superior tube, among other factors such... | |
Tubes, cheese, wine and cognac Might I suggest installing a while house surge protector to safeguard your new investment in nos tubes... | |
Demagnetize CDs Yes, the aluminum can become weakly magnetic in the presence of an external magnetic field. But once it’s no longer influenced by that field, it no longer is. It cannot, on its own, hold a magnetic charge as it has an eneven amount of electrons. S... | |
Demagnetize CDs How do you demagnetize something that's not magnetic? | |
Demagnetize CDs I bikini wax mine. If I don’t, it becomes the size of a slice of New York pizza. I'm sorry, what are we talking about? | |
Install A Dedicated AC Line at home I recommend you read response #1. | |
Best 12AU7 Type Tubes for a Preamp The prices you list for two of the three nos tubes is excessive. The RCA cleartops shouldn’t be $40 each. The Mullards go for around $175 a pair, unless they are the m8136 variant. Then they’re around $250 a pair. If you can find a strong teste... | |
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ? Yes, but a tube preamp section. Wouldn't that alleviate that brightness? | |
Try This With Your SS Amp Got any amps that will make me look like Brad Pitt? | |
Rogue pharaoh II or Cronus Magnum III ? @lradder , Will you elaborate as to your opinion to avoid ribbon tweeters with the Pharaoh 2? | |
Try This With Your SS Amp I string some of those big, old timey Christmas bulbs around my solid state rig to get that effect. |