
Responses from thecarpathian

Do you have a favorite vacuum tube?
For my 12au7 utilizing preamp, my faves are Amperex 7316 PQ's, and for a more literal sound, Telefunken red tips.... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@hifiman5 - Thanks for mentioning Kandace Springs. Never heard of her, and it's great when someone shares a talented, not so commercially well known artist (well, to me anyway). Good stuff! I see her songs in my future.... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@grannyring- Excellent! Thank you for that and it is indeed all good. My apologies if I sounded a bit confrontational. Back to our regularly scheduled programming..... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@grannyring- If that is addressed to me, I understand exactly what you are saying about patents. Exactly. By your own words-"Sometimes a patent is not the best approach. Sometimes. Not always or even often." So, in your opinion, no patent is the b... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Hi grannyring- just to clarify, I did not say it could easily be copied. I said its material composition could easily be analyzed and identified. Then copied. That is just a plain fact. I see nothing in that statement that could elicit humor. I do... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Actually Fleschler, it’s you who cracks me up. You think Tim has access to or has invented some exotic, previously unknown material that a company that is expert in materials analysis can’t identify? That they are constructed in such a way that th... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
'...cop an attitude'? 'Snapped'? Geoff, you're nothing if not mildly amusing...Like I said, hypothetical question. If you don't want to voice your opinion on it, just say you don't have an opinion. 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@geoffkait - Just a hypothetical question, Geoff. If you don't want to answer, no need for the song and dance. Just say so. 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@tommylion- Without a patent, there is no legal protection in place. As far as keeping it a secret, how is he keeping it a secret? He’s selling them online. Anybody can purchase one, take it to a materials analysis service, find out exactly what i... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@geoffkait- That's why I stated 'given their claims'. Go on the premise all product claims are valid regardless of knowing its material makeup. Would you agree such products go beyond a weird audiophile tweak and can have myriad applications beyon... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@grannyring- What would you believe carries more risk, filing a patent for your invention and anyone copying it can be subject to patent infringement laws, or putting your invention on the market unpatented where anyone can copy it and you would b... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Hi grannyring. Well, let's ask...!@perfectpathtech- there is debate on whether you have taken your invention's tech elsewhere besides Audiogon. Will you clear up whether you have or have not? 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@geoffkait- Would you agree that these products, given their claims, go beyond a "weird audiophile tweak" and can have myriad applications beyond stereo equipment? 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@djones51- I agree with you. If what everyone is saying about patents has merit, then what’s the point of patenting anything? Also, your point about this being a game changer if it can do what is stated will not be addressed. I pointed out the exa... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
@amg56, no need to write another post clarifying any typo's or mistakes. Simply click on the little gear icon in the top right of your post. You have 30 minutes after posting to fix, add, subtract or rewrite. So, one little click and Bob's your un...