
Responses from thecarpathian

Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
I heard 'Time of the season' by the Zombies today. There, back on track...! 
Old German turntable
@roberjerman- thank you for posting. I’ve got a chance to pick up a Miracord 50h in pristine condition for a couple hundred bucks. Thoughts? 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
In New England, we call him the man who invented dark. Now, can we PLEASE get back to the topic at hand?? All this friendly chitchat is going to cause all the serious audiophiles to quit the forum and it will be forced to shut down. Honestly! 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
The Triumph actually started??! 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
Also, no matter what model the car, it must have had a stereo in it....the question is, did Roger Taylor feel the need to upgrade it? (Just trying to stay on topic, lest I offend any audio deities looking down upon me...) 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
I am aware of that, MG. My point is a little friendly banter mixed in with the topic is harmless and can be quite humorous and entertaining. A big difference from trolling and/or derailing a thread. And if it upsets certain people that much, perha... 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
@MG-Oh, jeez. You know, not every one lives, breathes and obsessed over all things audio every waking moment. Some of us actually have lives and interests outside the hobby. So terribly sorry that a little friendly socialising goes off topic now a... 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
Years back I owned a Fiat Pininfarina Spyder 2000. I quickly learned that ’Fiat’ is the Italian word for rust, and the acronym "Fix it again, Tony...!" 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
@glupson, as related to Italian cars 'spyder' simply means it was a convertible. So I'm afraid the mystery and search continues...... 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
@uber- well, it had to happen eventually...:) 
Can one ever be "done" in this hobby?
Sorry Uber, Geoff is correct. Since it is a team of deprogrammers, team being singular, ’is’ is correct. Man, am I bored. Or is it boring....? 
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
Don't forget Tesla, Oklahoma.... 
Does anyone use wood for vibration control?
What do physicists eat on Friday?Fission chips! 
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
Guys, if those old, useless power conditioners are cluttering up your otherwise pristine listening areas, I will step up and help out. I shall allow you to send them to me. Just throwing that out there..... 
Moderately priced audio
Well, who put a bee in her bonnet? Elizabeth, you are on several threads praising how much of a positive effect it had on your system when you installed many expensive upgraded duplex outlets. How about your upgraded cables? Power conditioning? Or...