
Responses from thecarpathian

Most recordings you own by a single artist, group, or composer
Nice, Frank.Thank you. 
Most recordings you own by a single artist, group, or composer
@oregonpapa ,Frank, do you have a favorite Dave Brubeck album?I need to add to what little I have of him... 
End of the World system
Apparently, zombies can not keep their mouths shut... 
power cord directionality
Well, you would know if it was really done if the arrow is now pointing in the correct direction.Why not call the manufacturer, explain your situation and see what he advises. 
power cord directionality
Here, straight answer-No, it doesn't harm it. 
End of the World system
Perhaps you can train zombies to carry stereo equipment.Wait, did we add the undead to this scenario or no? 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
geoff, you feeling all right this morning?You didn't proofread your post, and if the Energizer Bunny was wind up, he wouldn't need a battery. 
End of the World system
This also brings up the pickle of all the nuclear power plants. With no one to oversee them, they would all suffer a meltdown, effectively poisoning the entire world. Thought about while watching ’The Walking Dead’. Also, why don’t all the zombies... 
Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?
Um, I can say with all confidence that no one has yet to kick in my door to forcibly sterilize me. Is that what’s coming next? I mean, it’s a logical progression. First, they make you follow that tape arrow in the grocery store, then WHAM! Off wit... 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
jerrybj,Squaresville, daddy-o! 
Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?
Frank,A study in France suggests smokers are 4 times less likely to contract the virus. They are administering nicotine patches to a test group of patients. Crazy, huh? Maybe the virus prefers nice pink, healthy lungs to ruin.On a side note, someh... 
End of the World system
Another key detail is it is the REMAINS of a high end audio store.This leads one to assume it is not habitable and the equipment is in danger of being ruined by the elements, so you have to prioritize what you are taking before it's useless. 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
ShriekbackGo Bang! 
Whats playing on your system today?
ShriekbackGo Bang! 
Are you a special snowflake?
Thanks for the laugh, miller.Are you that oblivious to your own demeanor??Physician, heal thyself....