

Responses from thecarpathian

Creativity on artists I dislike
Beatles trivia: There's actually a Beatles song that has the word 'poop' in it. Which song, and no cheating by looking it up.  
Creativity on artists I dislike
Had to take a break from all this immaturity and listen to some adult music. I put on Gordon Shitefoot's 'The Rectum of Ella Fitzgerald.'  
Creativity on artists I dislike
I have literally been doing this immature foolishness since I was a kid. Still cracks me up!  
Creativity on artists I dislike
See all you guys? If you're gonna be juvenile, at least be clever about it...  
Creativity on artists I dislike
And let’s not forget So Crappy Together by The Turdles.  
Creativity on artists I dislike
Or Being For the Benefit of Mr. Shite from The Buttles Sgt. Poopers Lonely Farts Club Band album.  
Creativity on artists I dislike
Or The Buttles Long and Winding Load!  
Creativity on artists I dislike
I’m sure the moderators will soon wipe it clean. The Poot Shop Boys  
Creativity on artists I dislike
Mott the Poople Spencer Davis Poop The Poo    
Creativity on artists I dislike
Alice Pooper...😆 How about Poop Dog... Ok, I'm done.  
Creativity on artists I dislike
You guys are missing two obvious ones:   Dozen Roses Wang Bung   Now I have the sudden urge to watch cartoons and peek through the hole in the fence and watch my neighbor while she's sunbathing. Who am I kidding? I do that anyway.  
Record cleaning and realistic expectations
192 pages??!!! You guys read that whole thing??  
Creativity on artists I dislike
Darn it!!!  
Creativity on artists I dislike
I'd join in, but I'm not 12.  
Quality of recording while evaluating speakers
"Truth is I'm not really happy with my system..." "Overall I'm happy with my system..." Why bother, I'm out.