
Responses from theaudiotweak

brass outlet covers...anyone try them? Sound good
Just another application of vibrational behavior/acoustics, musical instruments or electronic chassis's.Another benefit maybe a gain in efficiency. Tom 
brass outlet covers...anyone try them? Sound good
Brass as an RF shield. New constuction electrical boxes with proper mechanical grounding for resonance control. AC mains box with proper mechanical grounding/direct coupling for resonace control. Rememeber this is your first chance for control as ... 
Review: Dunlavy Audio Labs SC-IVa
Jade when I replaced components in my SC4's the resistors of all things made for the greatest apparent differences.. Except coating the inside of the enclosure with Cascade VBloc which seals the wood pores like concrete.Keep at it and let us know ... 
Corner treatment -- PZCs a sure thing?
The Green Corner tunes were designed to absorb or to reflect ..they are easily reversible to achieve either benefit. The reflective surface out seemed to fill in phase disparities caused by the ceiling walls junction making for a fuller stage with... 
Wood blocks underneath components?? snake oil?
Hello Newbee..Nice to see you here all these years..The following statement is intended to mean no harm only to invoke thought not verbal pain..There is no such thing as isolation because everything is always in movement. Tom 
I've found the cd player for analog lovers
Chill Pills for One and All..Tom 
Phase coherence or lack there of in just one channel could skew the image balance off to one side. This effect can be caused by either your electronics or an acoustic inbalance in your listening room {a variance in pressure}. Tom 
DK Design Review
I heard the 10's a few months back with the Statement integrated, Exemplar 5910 on a Sistrum Sp1. Music I had played at home and detail and cues I had never experienced before. Very cool..Tom 
DK Design Review
Well I suppose the new owner wants the public to visit in person a dealer whose intention is to demo a properly set up and performing audio system. No more mail order brides,no more sleasze. A business profile that is supportive of all involved, i... 
Which speaker to replace Dunlavy SC-V?
I agree with Sean..In my experience with SC4's the resistor change I made and the coating of the enclosure walls with V-Bloc from Cascade Engineering made the most difference..The use of non ferrous mounting material and screws in and around the c... 
DK Design VS.1 Reference mkII - Optimization
The removal of ferrous materials in and around circuit boards, crossovers and speakers will result in lower distortion and a more musical presentation. Providing vibration direction,focus and relief in my experience results in a much more natural,... 
DK Design VS.1 Reference mkII - Optimization
Brass of course..And then proper mechanical grounding of all the boards, power supply caps, transformers and then the entire chassis. Vibration either self induced or of external influence can be given a positive relief to a higher mass..ground. Tom 
DK Design VS.1 Reference mkII - Optimization
Knowing the real answer to why? may greatly increase the application of the answer. Tom 
DK Design VS.1 Reference mkII - Optimization
Electrons vibrate regardless of mass. If there was no motion their would be no sound. Giving that motion focused direction and relief is the key to better sound and greater efficiency. Tom 
DK Design VS.1 Reference mkII - Optimization
Hey guys my thoughts were that removing the top changed the vibrational pattern and therefore the sound...for the better or for the worse. I am very comfortable with myself knowing that vibration can be given a pattern as well as direction in all ...