
Responses from the-audiophile-barista

Amir and Blind Testing
A blind listening test is not a test for bias. It shows that listening under those conditions is mostly more difficult, but it does not explain WHY it is more difficult. People are quick to jump on the bias train, but this may not be correct. Al... 
Denver and Front Range furniture maker -- just did my audio rack!
Wonderful, I had my rack build from maple as well. Very solid investment   
The Best Preamp is no Preamp?
I agree with a 'less is more' approach but It could have been the Marantz holding your system performance back.  
Pet audiophile peeves - name yours
People who think a ‘blind listening test’ is a test for bias or placebo.  
Cost Effective System Improvement?
I have the Bluesound Node 2i. I love it, but I do have it connected to an external DAC. That is the fastest way to better sound quality. My advice: Get a better streamer or connect the Bluesound to a better DAC. 
Cables that measure the same but (seem?) to sound different
Funny how we still don't really know why we perceive differences in cables yet the naysayers know exactly what we should measure 😳 
What Makes your System Special?
It’s all mine 😃 
What is an audiophile? Are you an audiophile?
I made a video on this topic on my channel. For those who are interested, you can see it here 
The Absurdity of it All
If your argument was ‘old people claim to still hear the highest frequencies’ you may have a point. But if you claim that a 70 year old audiophile with 40 or 50 years of experience in this hobby can’t make a judgement on cables anymore I have to d... 
Shipping costs are a problem, but many people had good experiences with this retailer. And those R8 amps are pretty damn good. 
Which Component Has the Greatest Affect on Low-Level Listening
In my experience high sensitivity loudspeakers do a good job on low volume. At least my 98dB Ocellia’s do a very good job at low level listening.  
Why so many angry audiophiles?
Well, it is pretty annoying (just kidding) when people still think ‘audiophile’ only means: Listening to music. In my opinion this is not what the hobby is about. It is about getting our system to sound as good as we can. And yes, these discussion...