
Responses from testpilot

Sonus Faber vs Wilson
Don’t worry about getting the speakers up the front steps, that’s the dealer’s problem.  Don’t sell the wife…….a replacement is super expensive 
Different subwoofer settings for different albums?
I guess your dealer thinks that you like to play Record Producer instead of listening to an album as intended.  
Brand new VPI Prime 21 or used Clearaudio Innovation compact
@ikev20, VPI has its own forum.  VPI staff use to answer posts but rarely visit their own forum anymore, however, there are quite a few very knowledgeable members who can help.  A few members know more about VPI tables than the VPI staff who are c... 
Three cheers for Keith Herron
I thought I heard that Keith was retiring?  If so, good for him, but a loss for the audio community.  
Townshend Audio F1 Fractal Interconnects - Less is More!
Well written review.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insight.   
Reference 3A MM de Capo Be - how do they sound?
I had a pair of the 40th Anniversary de Capo be in a dedicated acoustically designed room. I ran them with  SS, PP tubes and SET amps.  I really wanted to like them but found the to be lean sounding.  I would read the fine print regarding the in-h... 
What are the current useless terms in this "audio world"
Hooking up the Topaz Isolated Transformer
Hire an electrician, you are dealing with lethal voltages.  
Tube buffer in tape loop@
Tube buffers are used to cure impedance mismatches between components, therefore, if your source and preamp have a mismatch the buffer will help otherwise a waste of money. 
Tandberg 3001, 3002, 3003
The presets on the 3000 series are well known to fail over time and are very expensive to repair.  
Has anyone heard that ARC discontinued the Ref CD-9SE?
Or perhaps, ARC may think that the CD media is passe and they squeezed as much juice from that media source as they could.Bingo! 
Herron VTPH-2A discontinued
Why doesn’t he sell the rights and designs of his products to another person?  
Uber expensive repair at United Radio
imho, it’s poor form to play Monday morning quarterback when you failed to perform the necessary due diligence of getting a second opinion when you had doubts about the original estimated cost of repair.   
Upscale Audio and Primaluna
Sometimes we forget that audio stores are owned and run by humans.  Enjoyable thread.  
Uber expensive repair at United Radio
They provided an estimate which you agreed to and now you are complaining about the cost?