
Discussions tesseract86 has started

Time for a new a/v receiver could use some input!488227
In need of a new bluray player lost without oppo now what ?318621
looking for a place to buy blu-ray dvds364112
Tough decision, samsung Samsung PN65F8500 or1427142
need advice with power cable48499
Need some help with a cable and my subwoofer22123
questio about the new oppo bdp 10326472
Speaker cable frustration for Merlin vsm mme761919
I need help hooking up Merlin vsm mme Bam to avr584324
need help hooking up Merlin bam to receiver16761
need help wiring Merlin vsm mme speakers38968
need help with Merlin vsm mme for home theater595220
Need help with cd or dvd burning25047
Need input on building a new HT/music system631912
Totem Forest, Devore super8 or Spendor A61256013