
Responses from teajay

Any feedback LSA or Nola boxers
Hey Nyandio98,If you want information/details on the LSA reference monitor I wrote a review on it for my website hometheaterreview.com. I gave it a very big thumbs up and compared to the original Nola, which I have heard, I liked it much better. 
Review: Concert Fidelity DAC-040 DA converter
Hey, my brother Mike,I'm quite curious as you know to hear the latest upgrade regarding the CF DAC-040. So, of course I'll write up our experience regarding this generation DAC's sonic changes/improvements. We both agree that we still have not hea... 
Parasound Z DAC
Hey B limo,My formal review on the Zdac has just been posted on hometheaterreview.com. I gave it a big thumbs up, rightly so. I have in house another highly regarded DAC for review that retails for around 2K which is quite good, but not better the... 
I wanna rock -- with monitors on stands
Hey, Clockmeister714,I have reviewed the MM de Capo i for my website hometheaterreview.com and gave them an excellent rating. However, if you are looking for quite a jump up from them across the broad sonicly and still want two way stand mounts I ... 
Stealth Varidig Sextet vs.Varidig
Hi Tncr,Take a look here on the GON of my review on the Sextet for details of why it was my reference for almost five years. The Sextet is quite better in its performance then the Varidig. Recently I have replaced the Stealth Sextet with Mark Cole... 
Parasound Z DAC
Hey B limo,Thanks for your "thumbs up" on my system. I just went through a radical change in two ways: 1) Replaced all my Stealth wires with MG Cables because they out performed the Stealth loom to a very great degree. 2)I'm using an intergrated M... 
Parasound Z DAC
Hey B limo,I have one in for review for my website hometheaterreview.com. So far, I believe it the most musical and analog sounding DAC that I have heard under 1K. It is very detailed and throws a great layered sound stage and also has excellent d... 
Triode TRV A300SER Integrated
Hi Charles1dad,My first review in a series should come out in the next couple of months. So far the Melody 300b is the most beautiful sounding amp I might have ever had in my house! It's out performing my preamp and mono-blocks that retail for ove... 
Triode TRV A300SER Integrated
Rwanda,I'm just in the middle of a reviewing process of 300b based intergrated and single chassis push/pull amps for my website hometheaterreview.com. I prefer not to mention the names of the companies that I have auditioned so far, but I'll give ... 
Top monitors 3K - 6K range
Hi Michaelkingdom,In the last year I have been on a kind of marathon reviewing two-way stand mount reference level speakers for the website hometheaterreview.com as a staff reviewer. No, I did not audition the speakers on your list, but have a ver... 
MG Audio designs cables anyone?
Hi Icorem,My review will be coming out sometime early next year. The MG Cables (Silver IC's/ Planus II) replaced all the more expensive Stealth loom in my system. I can honestly state I have heard no better wires regardless of cost. Enjoy your MG ... 
Ayre CDX-7eMP or Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP
Hey Orelayer,First, Stereo5 is mistaken the EMC-1UP does not use the Oppo transport, but a very high grade Phillips model.I have heard both players and own the EMC-1UP and believe that the EMC-1UP is quite a more musical player with tube like timb... 
DCS versus Accustic Arts
Hey Mattheus,Based on my experience with both, used to own your digital front end, I like the AA much better then the DCS. I find the DCS gear to be somewhat "cool/analytical" sounding to me were the AA's being tube based gives you the right timbr... 
Reference 3A speaker stands
Hi Rebbi,When I started to do professional reviews for hometheaterreview.com, one of the first things I did was purchase the 3A stands because I then could adjust their heights for the different two way speakers I was reviewing. These stands are f... 
$18k Tube preamp for large scale symphonies please
Hi Philipwn,I would highly recommend that you audition the Concert Fidelity CF-080 linestage. Take a look at my review of it here on the GON for details on its performance. It was also just reviewed by Dick Osher and you will find other reviews on...