
Responses from teajay

Zanden vs. Concert Fidelity DACs
I have had the Zanden in my house for review and own the Concert Fidelity DAC. The Zanden had a great midrange but lacked extension both on the top and bottom frequencies. The CF DAC has the midrange beauty with out rolling off the top and bottom.... 
Review: Concert Fidelity DAC-040 DA converter
Hello to everybody on this thread,For my website hometheaterreview.com where I'm a staff reviewer I have been going through a very extensive reviewing process on racks, footers, and isolation platforms. So far their has been a very big winner rega... 
Stillpoints and reference-level speakers
Hey Charles,I'm glad that you experienced such wonderful results in your system with the Apprentice platforms. I highly recommend that you might want to audition at least the footers, if not a rack from Krolo designs, for your upstream gear. Just ... 
Stillpoints and reference-level speakers
Hi Psag,I'm right in the middle of a very extensive process of reviewing isolation devices for a review in the future for my website hometheaterreview.com. I have had in house many highly regarded footers, platforms, and racks to see what their ef... 
Review: Melody Pure Black 101 Preamp & M845 Monos Tube amp
Hey Charles I Dad,As you know already, based on your 300B based system, there really is a magic in the sound of this tube that is quite different from anything else. Both the 845 and 300B amps present a more grain-less/liquid tonality compared to ... 
Review: Melody Pure Black 101 Preamp & M845 Monos Tube amp
Hey Gopher,I noticed after I posted that you have the M-845 SET Mono Blocks in your system and my soon to be published review is on their big brother, the PM -845 Mono Blocks that are a push/pull design. These guys put out over 70 watts into 8 ohm... 
Review: Melody Pure Black 101 Preamp & M845 Monos Tube amp
Hey Gopher,Enjoyed reading your well written and informative review. I'm a staff reviewer for hometheaterreview.com and published a review on the Melody 300B integrated amp, bought the review sample, which is superlative, have in house the AN211 f... 
Parasound ZDAC VS. "new and improved" Bifrost?
Hey Jonathan1257,Yes, that is correct it was not the last generation. However, " the house sound" of a company often stays the same and most of the inexpensive DACS are fine with details/clarity but lack image density in my experience. 
PSVANE 845T Monoblocks?
Hi Stickman451,I just got finished with my review on the Melody Valve HiFi 845 Mono Blocks for my website hometheaterreview.com this afternoon. They turned out to be terrific both in build quality and sonic performance. And yes, I believe they are... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Well Parkmoonsoo,I'm glad if you love, assuming you purchased it, the Bakoon DAC-9730. However it might be the best you heard, however you did not include the CF reference DAC, either the first generation or the new battery powered one. This DAC i... 
Parasound ZDAC VS. "new and improved" Bifrost?
Hey Jonathan1257,I wrote a review for hometheaterreview .com on the ZDAC. It got the big thumbs up regrading its performance/cost. I have found the Bifrost to be a little analytic and lean compared to the more weight on the bones of the ZDAC. 
Review: Concert Fidelity DAC-040 DA converter
Hello Guys,Last night I finally got to audition the CF-040 with the new battery based power supply along with the original DAC in an all Concert Fidelity based system.No, the difference is not night and day, it does not "blow" away the older model... 
MBL 1531 to 1621a What to expect?
The combination of the CF DAC and the reference MBL 1621a is still the most musical combo I have heard so far. The 1621a does make a big sonic difference compared with its smaller brother. Also, I have gone to a Sablon digital cable replacing the ... 
DAC for entry level system
Hey Bedel,Take a look at my review on the Parasound Zdac on hometheaterreview.com for details on its wonderful performance. It costs $450.00 and is much better in its sonics then the other dacs you mentioned. 
How much do you need to spend on a DAC to...
Hey Gustav1,Go look at my review on the Parasound Zdac on hometheaterreview.com, for details why this $470.00 dac competes with dacs up to at least 4k in its performance.It would be a major upgrade compared to what you now have in your system.