
Responses from teajay

Tekton Double Impacts
Hey mac48025,I'm laughing because you ordered  some of the best sounding 6SN7's that were every created!  I will be very curious what you think about the TungSols (are they the black glass 40's tube) which are my favorite in the Micro-ZOTL.  If yo... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey facton,Here's the answers to your questions:1) I use MG silver ribbon IC's2) I have had numerous preamps that use 6SN7 tubes, and have a large collection of NOS 6SN7, and none of them sound anything like the LTA Micro-ZOTL, so its the tubes pl... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey Kenny,As I stated in my response to Charlies, either as a pure listener or as reviewer I'm not a great fan of single driver or horn designs that usually are the partners for 45 or 2A3 based SET amplifiers.  Therefore, I had a lot of different ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey Charles,I have had many discussions with listeners regarding which gives most of the magic of David Berning's ZOTL circuit, the 40 watt amplifier or the Micro-ZOTL line-stage.  After trying the Micro-ZOTL with all kinds of  solid state and tub... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey Guys,After many hours of listening I have come to the conclusion that my favorite combo, on all types of music, of course through the DI's, is the LTA MIcro-ZOTL and the Triode Lab 2A3 SET amplifier.  As I have have shared before the Micro-ZOT... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hi mac48925 and CharliesThe unit I'm reviewing is the one that still is up with a picture in tube amps for sale here on the GON.  I guess it is somewhat of an unique model because of the James transformers and how they setup the 6NS7 tube section.... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Gentlemen,Wanted to share that I'm into about nine hours of listening to a Triode Lab 2A3s SET amplifier I have in house for review for hometheaterreview.com.  Of course this amplifier is no were close to being fully burn in.  Yet, being driven by... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey mac48025,CONGRATS!  It is amazing what the Micro-ZOTL sounds like as an amplifier driving the DI's.  As far as Kenny's question regarding how the Micro-ZOTL sounds like driving SS amps is it brings its virtues to the overall sound when I used ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey Guys,I have professionally reviewed and owned gear from both Melody and Audio Space and can share that each company has very high standards when it comes to the quality of parts, innovative design, and build.The Melody AN-300B was my reference... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey corelli,The Melody AN-211 is a great amp, both on it's sound and build quality.  However, I'm more a 300B fan then 211 based amplifiers.  However, if you want a little less romance/color -meat on the bones and more quickness/speed, but still v... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hi everybody,Just want to share, many Emails asking this question, that a decision was made that instead of Eric sending me a pair of SE Double Impacts to review for hometheaterreview.com I'll be getting the much larger and brand new model called ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hi Guys,I have been getting scores of Emails regarding which is the "BEST" combination of these three possibilities: 1) the Micro-ZOTL by its self  2) the Micro-ZOTL/ZOTL-40 amp  3) the Micro-ZOTL/2A3 amp to drive the DI's.All sound terrific, all ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey Charles,Not only is fair to claim both of us are Jazz lovers I have Lee Morgan and Lester Young tattoos on my arms to prove it!All the gear that you mention is still in-house in my smaller up-stairs system.  It's a great solid state system, ho... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey guys,Wanted to share after many hours of fun listening, that now my favorite combo driving the Dl's is the LTA Micro-ZOTL with a  SET 2A3 amplifier offering 3.5 watts at 4 ohms.  Now get this! This SET 2A3 retails for only $1,200.00!  It's the... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hi Mofojo,Yes, such as Pass Labs XA-60.8 mono-blocks/Accuphase-450 and it brought its special magic to these SS amplifiers.  When I was taking it around for people to hear it in their systems there were both tubed and SS based, the owners all agre...