
Responses from teajay

Tekton Double Impacts
Hi Kenny,Thanks for the compliment regarding my posts. I owned a First Watt SIT-2 and think it's a very special amp in its own right.  It really needs to be driven by a great preamp because it is completely transparent/neutral/grainless and is tot... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey bullitt5094,First, I would highly recommend that you contact Mark or Will at Linear Tube Audio and ask how much the upgrade is to modify a Micro-ZOTL to have a HT-bypass installed.  The cost of this piece is around $1,700.00.  Nothing and I me... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hi Charlies,Yes, you are correct that the way my reference system is now setup, either a CEC or MBL transport, Concert Fidelity hybrid tube DAC, Micro-ZOTL used as a line stage, and the Triode Labs SET 2A3s-MK2 amp driving the DI's is the most enj... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hi everybody,I have now rolled three SET 300B amplifiers with some of the best NOS tubes available, along with the Triode Lab 2A3s-MK2, and have come to the conclusion, based of course on my personal preferences, that I have heard nothing better o... 
Tekton Double Impacts
The best SS amps I have heard on the DI's have been Pass Labs XA-60.8 mono-blocks, Accuphase P-450 (this was my favorite driven by the Micro-ZOTL), First Watt SIT-2, and Perla Audio's Sig-50.  All of these are wonderful SS amps which present somew... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hi David Ten,It's been my experience that a great sound-staging speaker, if driven by the right electronics and it has enough acoustic space to breath, gives the listener different spatial dimensions accurately based on how and where the recording... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey Guys,I'm still waiting for my review pair of ULF's.  Hope I'll get them in the next couple of weeks.I have a question for Jeffrey, unless he posted this before and I missed it, what amplifiers and source gear are you using to power your ULF's?... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hi Charlies,The 300B tubes I used in the Canary amps were Sophia Electric  Mesh Plates which I like very much.  When I was rolling 300B's at one time this tube and the even more expensive Royal Princess tube were my favorite.   
Tekton Double Impacts
Hi vitop,I wish I could be helpful, however I have never had a multi-channel amplifier in any of my systems which are two channel based not HT.  Hopefully, someone else with that knowledge/experience on this thread could answer your question. 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hi Jeffrey,The Carver amps were driven by the Concert Fidelity tube based reference, a great sounding piece, and the BHK's were driven by two excellent SS preamps and a very high level Purity tube based preamp.  I don't know what you mean by "aliv... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hello gentlemen,Have a field report on my experiences with two great SET amplifiers driving the DI's.  However, I would want to comment on driving the Ulfbertht speaker with either the BK or Carver amplifiers.  I preface this with that in our hobb... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey vitop,I have heard the DI's with Pass Labs XA-60.8's and an Accuphase  P-450 with great results.  I'm more of a tube fan and I still have not heard, and I have listened to supposedly some of the best, D amps, any that I would want to own. 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey everybody,Just spent five hours listening to Canary Audio's reference SET 300B mono-blocks that are in for review on the DI's.  Yes, these are brand new and need some hours of burn-in, yet they sounded quite superlative right out of the crate.... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hi grannyring,I'm glad you shared your recollection of the speaker in your past using a tweeter array that you totally enjoyed.  It gives me the opportunity to clarify the misconception that the seven tweeters in the DI's are a type of line array ... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey Gentlemen,It was almost two years ago, after I reviewed Eric's OB Sigma speakers, that he shared his great excitement with me that he believed he had created/discovered a break through, which finally lead to the DI's, and I would be the first ...