
Responses from teajay

Jay’s Audio CDT-3 - Impressions of a Great CD Transport
Hey acresverde,Your statement regarding my mistake regarding confusing the CDT 2 MKII vs CDT 3 MKII is correct.I never received your Email through Six Moons, others have had the same difficulty, so I was not trying to be disrespectful to you at al... 
Review: Linear Tube Audio Z10 Integrated Amplifier
Hey ghasley,Congrats!  Also your review is extremely well written and very informative.  Right now I have in-house the new LTA  power amplifier and it also is a magical wonderful music maker.Thanks for sharing this with the other GON members. 
The Six Moons.com review on the Mhdt Labs Orchid DAC just went up
Hey janehamble,,Sorry, you wore yourself out over my "absurd drivel". Then you were "too tired" to address the rest of what I stated on this thread, not in an Email. What I would expect from someone who slings mud and then cops out over the object... 
The Six Moons.com review on the Mhdt Labs Orchid DAC just went up
Hey janehamble,You have made some comments and sharp criticisms about me and my integrity based on false representations of what was actually written in my review on the Lab12 DAC.1) In the review I never stated what year Lab12 started the origina... 
The Six Moons.com review on the Mhdt Labs Orchid DAC just went up
Hey jaybe,For my ears it does justice to all types of music.  Your Sigma Delta based DAC can be very detailed/dynamic, but tends to be more electrical sounding device with out the tonality/color of most R2R ladder DACs that I find much more natura... 
The Six Moons.com review on the Mhdt Labs Orchid DAC just went up
Hey celo,Actually, I had my Magnepan 20s for over 18 years until I replaced them with Lawrence Audio Cello speakers.I get two major perks out of professionally reviewing:1) I get to hear/audition equipment in my home environment, which is quite di... 
If you loved the Bricasti Design room at Axpona take a look at the M15 amplifier
Hey roadwarrier75,With good cheer, we "agree to disagree" regarding which room was the best!However, regarding how the Coda No.8 compares to the Bricasti M15 is a great question, indeed. As you know I have reviewed both of them and have had them f... 
If you loved the Bricasti Design room at Axpona take a look at the M15 amplifier
Hey rsf507,It's not just the reference level DACs, their M-28 mono-blocks are wonderful amplifiers too.  Brian and Damon also know how to setup their room so it allows shines from show to show.   
Black Cat Cable's/Coppertone wires are amazing good!
Hi jtcf,I strongly believe what speaker wire you use to drive your subs does not have to match the wire you use for your main speakers.  However, to drive your main speakers, if I got it right they are Tekton Speakers, the Black Cat Cables would g... 
Black Cat Cable's/Coppertone wires are amazing good!
Hey Bon,No, the Coppertone loom is in the big downstairs system. Just remember how much you enjoyed that system, with these wires everything is better, plus this subjective aspect of just relaxing almost like hearing what a great SET amp offers wi... 
The Six Moons.com review on the Mhdt Labs Orchid DAC just went up
Hey Mrdon,How did you know that I was married three times!I find this somewhat amazing.  About a year ago I review a DAC (Lab12) that was at least the equal or better then DACs that  were in the 10K to 20K price range for around 2K.  I then review... 
Review on Tekton Design Perfect Set Speaker just went live on Six Moons.com
Hey yakbob,That's an interesting question.  I know historically that Eric used to offer wood veneer options for many of his speaker models.  However, I don't know if does now on his new models.  Why don't you call and ask Karma if this is still of... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Hey corelli,You are still invited to stop by me on your way to the show.  Just give me a call if you are interested. 
Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time"
Hey dbass,First, thank you for the kind words.My favorite tubes in the LTA are NOS TongSol black glass oval plate 6SN7s and NOS Genelax yellow label 12AT7's, these tubes just creat beautiful music in my system. 
Review on Tekton Design Perfect Set Speaker just went live on Six Moons.com
Hey fibonacci1618,Yes, the Ulf's offer an overall "effortlessness", the ability to pressurize a room, sense of scale that the other Tekton's don't quite have on the same level.  Remember this is a big speaker that needs a very large acoustic space...