
Responses from teajay

What have other owners of Tekton Design Ulfberht Speakers discovered?
First, to ,douglas_schroeder, my fellow professional reviewer, your statements in your first two paragraphs are very truthful about reference level large speaker designs.However, if you are implying that Tekton Design Ulf speakers are either a lin... 
Head-ups for fans of AricAudio designs. His new Super 211 SET two chassis amplifier
Hey everybody,Just wanted to share that the review Super SET 211 demo has just been purchased by Toska Audio located in Highland Park, IL.  If you live in this area I strongly suggest you drop by to hear this superlative amplifier.  The owners, Pe... 
Jay's Audio CDT2-MK2
Hey shakira,What makes you think the Denafrips Termintor will be a setup from your Mojo Audio R2R Ladder Dac?  Different, possibly, better not necessarily. 
Jay's Audio CDT2-MK2
Hey snackeyp,Congrats!  It is a wonderful piece of gear.  I still find it hard to believe, based on build quality and performance, how reasonably priced it is. 
Canary Audio
Hey jasbirnandra,Congrats!  I have reviewed three of their pieces and found them to be extremely well built and excellent music makers. Enjoy! 
Head-ups for fans of AricAudio designs. His new Super 211 SET two chassis amplifier
Thanks David,Well after my next review on the Moab, I have the reference NSMT speaker lined up to come in for the reviewing process. I'll work on using some variety of different types of music to use in the process.  Thanks for your kind words. 
Head-ups for fans of AricAudio designs. His new Super 211 SET two chassis amplifier
Hey Gentlemen,The review on the Super 211 SET amplifier just went live on Six Moons, com.  Hope you all enjoy it, gives many details why this a superlative amplifier and has brought me in the process of reviewing hours of delight and pleasure. 
The Six Moons.com review on the Mhdt Labs Orchid DAC just went up
Hey waterclocker,Congrats!  The performance of the Orchard is a delight to listen to and when you figure in its very low price is a terrific bargain.  
Orchid vs TUBADOUR III - Help me choose
Hey nenon,You can read the policy on what it takes to setup a review and the rational for it right on the Six Moons website.  To get a review the manufacturer has to pay a one month advertising fee up front.  This insures a review will be done, bu... 
Orchid vs TUBADOUR III - Help me choose
Hey audio123,The ball is in the hands of Vlad.  I told him the details about how to setup a review for Six Moons.com, which level DAC would be best to review and then he completely went away.  I'm still game to do the review, it's up to him. 
Coda 8 amp
Hi fast,Take a look at the thread on the NO.8 and if you are interested in reading my review on it, take a look at that for the details regarding its superlative performance. 
Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank
Look at the thread on Black Cat Audio's Coppertone cables. 
Head-ups for fans of AricAudio designs. His new Super 211 SET two chassis amplifier
Hey sptwriter,As of today have now tried this amp with the PS, Moab, and Ulf's all with superlative results. 
Head-ups for fans of AricAudio designs. His new Super 211 SET two chassis amplifier
Hey grannyring,With your taste for well built artisan pieces of gear, you will get a kick out of what Aric has done in the design and construction of this masterpiece of an amplifier. Hope you get pictures of the inside soon and one day get to hea... 
Head-ups for fans of AricAudio designs. His new Super 211 SET two chassis amplifier
Hey Guys,I'm a lucky S.O.B. in that I get to hear so many wonderful pieces of audio gear because of doing professional reviews. Listening to this amplifier is turning out to a special experience.  It is hard for me to pull myself away from listeni...