
Responses from tbg

SACD my thoughts at this time.....................
I think highly of the EMM Dac6, but I sold it. I have had the Sony SCD-1, the Marantz SA-1, which was better than the Sony, the Lindemann d-680, which was better than the Marantz, etc. My point is that the SCD-1 is hardly state-of-the-art, and I t... 
Silclear , Caig ProGold, or Kontak?
Forget all of them and buy SST from Walker Audio. I have tried all of these and found they make, at best, a subtle difference. SST will floor you. 
Seakay Linerover LR1000 Power Conditioner
I had Linerovers in the past. I do not recall what the model number was. At the time I thought they were the best I had tried and used them for two years. The were replaced by an early Sound Application unit which was faster sounding. This is a my... 
Whats better then PS Audio P300? ? ? ? ?
I had two PSAudio P 300s at one time. In fact I have had at various times 38 different filters or conditioners. I had settled on what I find best for my system and rashly assumed it was best for any system. Then I tried it is another system and fo... 
Denon 2900 mod. How does it sound?
Sorry, Jfz, I have been out-of-town. By now you know that it is time in any format 
Denon 2900 mod. How does it sound?
Yes, I use the Neuance with the Exemplar/Denon. With one exception, I have found feet between the unit and the Neuance shelf hurt the sound. I recently tried a special isolation device from K-Works in NYC. It too hurt the sound under the Denon but... 
Stereovox cables, anyone?
They are quite good, not unique in this, and too expensive. 
I'm going back to tubes... a question for y'all
First I would say that I am going to be talking about quality tube gear versus quality ss gear. Quality tube gear does not have rolled off top and bottom end. It will probably be noisier than ss gear although if you use transistors in the ps, you ... 
Decca cartridge experiences
Some further comments on the Jubilee. It is incredibly sensitive to VTA. You can easily cause the image to vanish. At this point I am not certain whether you can find a single best point that will work to all records, and the Schroeder does not al... 
Decca cartridge experiences
Johnnanais, I finally got the Jubilee mounted on the Schroeder. I have gone through two iterations of dialing in the cartridge and spend a long time of VTA. I think I am pretty close to having it right.Several comments seem justified. The Jubilee ... 
Why do tubed preamps image better than SS?
I don't think the question in the original post makes any sense. The best imaging preamp I have ever heard far and away is the H-Cat which is ss. The second best is the tubed Exemplar Audio. H-Cat does not talk about phase but rather doppler shift... 
Aurios vs Stillpoints, any experience?
I really cannot understand titanium cones settling in, but you can certainly disrupt the cables, shelf, and even the component in installing such cones. I think it takes about two hours for cables that are moved to recover. I know I will probably ... 
Aurios vs Stillpoints, any experience?
Gilas, I suspect that it is again settling in by the Neuances shelves.I assume the point of the cones is into the depression. 
Anybody stop using power conditioning?
In the US everyone does. 
Omega Mikro Power Strip
Cheap looking? Yes, the Omega Mikro at a good deal more does not look worth it.