
Responses from tbg

Stage III Concepts Power Cords PC
Audiolabyrinth, I heard it at CES but not in a demonstration. It certainly is large. I thought the sound was okay for the lousy suites at CES. 
Spatial Coherence
Yes, I had a Spacial Coherance Pre 1. I well remember that it took a long time to settledown that motivated Steve to keep it charged on an auto battery for its trip to the show. I don't remember where I went after it or why. 
preamp/amp or integrated? That is the question
Rockanroller, the only integrated amp that I ever would think of using personally is that by Exemplar Audio, the exception, but it costs $5500. I have heard earlier versions of it a liked them very much but this weekend I'm going to hear the "grea... 
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre
Agear. Lampizitor and Pitcher! I think our tastes differ. 
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre
Agear, I've had LEDE rooms, digitally equalized rooms, Holographic rooms, Room Lens rooms, RPD diffuser rooms, and most recently Zilplex rooms. Since Rick Schultz seems likely to get a Starsound room, I will wait to hear his. But we are thinking o... 
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre
Agear, I know the feeling well. Watch out for High Fidelity Cables! 
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre
Buconero117, I think your are dealing with vibrations from music and ignoring other problems. There is a substantial problem with EMI and RFI and it is going to be more severe with long speaker wires from one room to another. Then there is also th... 
Do true audiophiles own Mcintosh gear
Men love to say that theirs is bigger. Frequently, this means saying things like, "everyone knows," "Science tells us," "The music is all that is important."The reality is that tastes, hearing, enjoyment, visual appearance all matter. This is why ... 
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre
I've had the benefit of having the two best racks, the Stillpoints ESS and now the Star Sound Rhythms. These are two very different technologies and each might suit some more than the other. But clearly were either removed the reproduced sound wou... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Mikirob, I'm sure both of us are speaking from personal experience as well as tastes. I'm not arguing with you at all, but any two wire cable unless twisted or shielded is an antenna. Were I to build a new house and to have a listening room it wou... 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Mikirob, believe me I have listened to even WE amps, wires, and tubes. I've been at this since the '60s. Frankly, I thought the WE stuff was just midrange. Nothing was even approaching realism. I'm into jazz and piano, drums, and brass, are now real. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Calloway, I too have spent a lot of late and dearly wish I was done, but Rick keeps pushing the boundaries as do the people at Star Sound, and now I have H-Cat back in the picture. 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Mikirob, that makes for a great antennae. Can you tune multiple stations? 
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre
Schubert, did you copy the combination? If not, why not? 
How an audio rack can enhance your amp/pre
Wisper, I was later to the party, i.e. Star Sound racks, but I entirely agree with you. The sound stage gets so defined and real and the leading and trailing edge enhance the realism of the music reproduction.Oh, I have always found it best to ign...