
Responses from tbg

No, nor do we know who told him it didn't matter whether the tubes got hot, nor whether he heard any music, but I guess his using it means that. 
Your feelings on vintage audio.
Having been in this hobby since the early 1960s, I have owned much classic equipment. After years with tube equipment and harsh solid state gear, I no longer own any tube components. I sold my stash of about a thousand tubes also. There are outsta... 
What time do you wear?
I have eight watches but wear none. Only at audio shows do I wear one. 
Do you remember your first cd?
I bought Ry Cooder's Bop till You Drop at Her Majesty's Voice record store on Oxford street in London in the early '80s before any were released in the US. I later bought a Dual cd player which was awful. Later I got the Meridian player which was ... 
Still great after all these years-Dunlavy SC IVs
I have friends with Duntech Sovereigns. Keep your speakers, but you can probably greatly improve the crossover and soon you may need to replace the surrounds on the drivers. 
Given the age of this amplifier, I would definitely have someone thoroughly check it out. It is not just a matter of the tubes. I had two of these amps in the early 1970s! I am surprised that you have not blown a fuse. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Talk2me, I would agree about the Venture speakers as heard in the Weiss suite at CES, but I don't know how they would compare with my Tidals. 
What's your profession? Age?
Eugene81, with the exception of my Radio Shack electro-static tweeter speakers, which cost $180, I use Health or Dyna kits and a AR turntable with a Stanton cartridge after I moved from cities with good fm stations. By your age, I had moved up to ... 
Tidal Speakers owners
Geopolitis, frankly all of that is irrelevant for me. I don't know what is near-field for you but I the Contrivas are ten feet apart and I listen to them about ten feet from both. My room is well treated so I have no temptation to be closer.Bear i... 
Hegel Amplifiers
Milpai, as I wrote in my show report on CES '11 in StereoTimes, I thought the Weiss, Hegel, Sound Applications was the best sounding room. They used the H20. I have sought it for review, but it is in such demand, that I have been unable to get it ... 
Hegel Amplifiers
Milpai, as I wrote in my show report on CES '11 in StereoTimes, I thought the Weiss, Hegel, Sound Applications was the best sounding room. They used the H20. I have sought it for review, but it is in such demand, that I have been unable to get it ... 
Tidal Speakers owners
Argyro, I don't understand why you would say that. There are many reasons why equipment at shows doesn't sound its best, especially large speakers in too small rooms. Nevertheless, you may hear differently, but that matters little to me. There are... 
Tidal Speakers owners
I have not heard a comparison, but the sweetness of the top end on the Diacera SEs is one of its strong points. After hearing it after three days of breakin at the '09 Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, there was no question in my mind; I had to have this... 
Tidal Speakers owners
Go to the Munich show. You could probably hear a comparison. 
What is the best DAC ever made?
I neglected to post that I now have the Weiss Dac202. It is very impressive.