Responses from tablejockey
Speaker Cables for Sonus Faber Olympica III I have the PL HP AND use Nordost Blue Heaven cables. Recently, I've switched to another "budget" level $600 cable-Silnote. Comparing the two,I prefer the BH.The BH I have are an older biwire model. The newer version is supposedly improved. When I ... | |
Woofer pumping WHY?? I have a B3, essentially the sames box, but you have the 12" woofer.When I see my B3 looking like the woofer is going to jump out of the cabinet, usually means 1-system is cranked and the particular recording is "hot" on the low end, so gain needs... | |
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ... Yes OP,the value of everything is skewed beyond humanity.Not that it matters at this point, but did you consider the ART 7 before getting the 9?You seem to be a classical fan, and when I picked up the 9, the dealer mentioned the 7 as the choice be... | |
Good, better, best. VPI Classic 1 accessories and upgrades. Ground wire suggestionDon't get caught up in audiophoolery.Use that length of wire from your drawer of " stuff" | |
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ... Month old ART 9 here.I replaced an OC 9III, which replaced a couple of 1K carts.The OC9III was a good enough compromise especially for half the price.Unfortunately, the shortcomings eventually wore me down, and I bit the bullet and opened my walle... | |
Good, better, best. VPI Classic 1 accessories and upgrades. If you're getting the LATEST model, you can't use the SDS.It's updated with a 600rpm DC motor. If you want to use the SDS the motor is replaced with the 300 rpm AC motor,along with the pulley.I have the latest model. If I feel like tweaking my tab... | |
Any Herron VTPH-2 Phono Stage Owners out there? "Another concern is that I have a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP Integrated Amp and was wondering how another tube phono stage would sound with the tube phono stage? Is it better to Mix solid state phono stage with a Tube Amp or keep it all the sam... | |
Which phono preamps among these three? I see someone went off topic and gave you another suggestion, so I won't feel guilty.Referencing the Manley price point, if you see one listed-Fosgate v.2. Get one for a deal(under 2k)and do an extravagant NOS tube splurge if you don't feel the st... | |
Audio-Technica AT-ART9 phono cartridge Pani,Your time with the ART9 is encouraging. I am have been eliminating other contenders from my buy list and saving at least $700+ going with the ART9. The ART9 just may be the cart that stays mounted on the VPI for more than a year. Guess I will... | |
Audio-Technica AT-ART9 phono cartridge Hey Pani, I've been patiently waiting for someone to post some meaningful insight to my next cart purchase.Nice review that speaks to me.I've lived with an OC9III after trying a couple of popular 1K MC's-Sumiko Blackbird and Benz Glider.While each... | |
recommended phono preamp for $2500? Get this one at closeout price. I had to haggle to get this price 2 years ago. Fosgate tube phono at musicdirect budget with $500 to play with tubes/interconnects/power... | |
Anyone have the Fosgate Signature V2 Phonostage? I have the Foz v2. Mine is 2 years old.The closeout price on Musicdirect makes it a best buy.I had to negotiate to get that same price. Now you can get it without the haggle.Just know it's no longer in production, but you will get full support in ... | |
Does the MAPLESHADE STATIC DRAINING BRUSH work? I'm a believer in some of the Mapleshade philosophy. The slabs and brass footers are under most of my gear-table,CD,speakers and sub.I tried the brush and and NO results other than bristles from the brush getting picked up by the cart.Their custom... | |
Spin Clean seems to add noise to records? Valinar, good luck with the Mapleshade brush. I have their footers/slabs and interconnects and I'm pleased with results.Tried the brush and IMO, junk. Bristles stuck in cart which I then had to tweezer to get out! My pos Hunt is good enough.A swee... | |
Has anyone heard the new Rega RP10? "I bought an RP-10 about a month ago and once I got it set up with the correct VTA for my Cartridge (Kleos) I have been very pleased."Good to hear the 10 doing the Lyra justice. Doesn't surprise me it's getting the job done. You obviously play it ... |