
Responses from tablejockey

Swapping 5AR4 rectifier for 274B in a PrimaLuna Preamp
"Regarding rectifier tubes, from what I’ve been able to piece together after significant research on the ‘net, is that the sonic differences between rectifiers is mostly caused by the “voltage drop” of each different tube model/design. This voltag... 
Primaluna Dialogue Premium or Premium HP?
Sounderman, congratulations on your acquisition.As your hearing detects, the sonic upgrade is there, but not in a way which your jaw drops. I  found the more you listen, the impression of "upgrade" increases!RCA black plates along with the same Ma... 
Primaluna Dialogue Premium or Premium HP?
I have been listening to my PL HP  for over a year. I upgraded from the PL Prologue  2.Clearly an upgrade in every sense from the Prologue.IMO however, the improvements while noticeable and worth the $ investment,are such that it makes you aware t... 
Record Doctor V versus Spin Clean Complete
ive used the SC for many years. Inexpensive and simple. Give the record a few spins both directions, final rinse under  the faucet, wipe dry and you're good to go.Ive played records  Spin Cleaned at shows and they were whisper quiet. Of course, yo... 
What cartridge on your VPI prime?
checkout the thread and consider the Audio Technica ART 9.I have one on my VPI Classic.You obviously have the gain enough for very low output, so the ART 7 will save you a few more bucks AND may offer a bit more performance over the ART 9, as its ... 
Nordost Odin or Valhalla 2
In the context of your system,(110k) I would consider V2.But I sure wouldn’t accept retail pricing. I’m assuming this is more than just a PAIR of cables, but several since it’s a HT rig?Im a Nordost fan with my modest tubed gear plumbed with H2/F2... 
Onzow Zero Dust - cleaning the cleaner
no need to use fancy water to rinse it off. Put it under the tap with a dab of dishwashing soap should do it.I bought one a few years ago, used it a couple of times, and found it no better than a cartridge brush. Another item collecting dust(the i... 
Sonus Faber Olympica III's - anyone using jumpers on them ????
Not a SF owner, but can speak for a recent change to jumpers and their possible merits.I own a pair of Opera floorstanders (they're at least Italian!)which have biwire connections that I utilized until I upgraded cables(non biwire)While I actually... 
Should I consider a cartridge upgrade?
I have not heard your particular cart, but I'm certain it s consistent with the other upper end SS carts-very lifelike and convincing.At least that's what I heard in a SS room with Mr. Ledermann playing my records at a show. If the rest of my syst... 
Should I consider a cartridge upgrade?
I would do as mentioned- 3D arm,Classic platter,THEN call it a day.Fine until you're ready to swing for the Avenger, or  better. 
DUAL SUBS IN THE $10,000-$15,000 RANGE
I'm not current on what's "hot" and surprised the REL Gibraltardoesnt appear to make it in at least the top 5 subs?I have a simple system with  an older B3. Is the current lineup of REL not competitive? The wireless w/remote seems like the ticket,... 
Help with picking the right phono pre for the rest of my system please!
Apologies, this may be a double post...Parsons, I have the PL HP and  a  VPI Classic /Audio Technica ART9.You have plenty of fodder to digest here. As long as you get a phono stage with 60 db's of gain, you're good with most LOMC@ .5mv.One model I... 
Primaluna amplifier Prologue vs Dialogue Anyone heard both? Worth it?
"Is the dialogue with worth close to double the price?"High end audio is similar to many things most  of us enjoy. After reading/researching your own ears are the judge. Subjective as anything else. Unfortunately, your wallet can get emptied fast!... 
VPI Cartridge People: What next?
"Something no one has mentioned...Mcintosh C2300 tube phono stage"I took a quick look and it appears good as anything until you're ready to split hairs/$$$ like everything else audio.The only decision that may be an issue is choosing between the 9... 
VPI Cartridge People: What next?
If I had your table, I would drop a 3D arm along with what another poster suggested, Audio Technica ART9. The ART 7  as well, if you have plenty of gain to work with. I’m enjoying my VPI classic/ART9. The thread on the ART has a few fans who have ...