
Responses from tablejockey

Picking up my Prime on Saturday
Stereo5-im jealous I'm not upgrading my VPI Classic to the Prime. Consider the Soundsmith Counterintuitive for future cart tweaking. Easy VTF & azimuth.Hopefully, you're plugging it into an equally competent phono stage?Happy  listening! 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
"Having lived with the 9 for over a year now, I'm really wondering at what cost will a worthwhile improvement come at?"ps68- I mentioned in another thread at some point, we should see a MKII model and perhaps there is something to fill in the cons... 
Ahhhh...breaking in a cartridge.
With all the praise and gushing the ART 9 has earned over these last couple years, imagine the hysteria it will cause for owners if AudioTechnica releases an MKII NEW AND IMPROVED version.Its been done with all their popular carts, so perhaps it’s... 
MC cartridge input - Lyra Delos or AT Art9 (or higher AT)
Price difference between the 2 is significant, so comparing the 2 may not be ideal. Having heard both, the "value" cart is the ART 9.Subjectively, the 9 more neutral. Delos has the " focus" knob turned up a  couple notches. Also the "tint" bumped.... 
MC cartridge input - Lyra Delos or AT Art9 (or higher AT)
Have read this thread already?Morr insoght on the ART 9. 
Please assure me I'm not going to burn my house down.
toddverrone-yeah, it came with a modded CD deck. I was hesitant to use it. Apparently they have sold many over the years without disaster. Thought it lived up to its claims, but I moved on. I use the ribbon interconnects, which also are flimsy and... 
Please assure me I'm not going to burn my house down.
This ISNT advice on safety. Just perspective using a seemingly questionable PC.I used one of these for several years without any problems. The construction possibly Iis even more dagerous appearing! 
Is the Audio Technica AT-ART 9 cartridge versus a Dynavector 20XH
jbhiller-in case you're not aware of the thread on the fabulous ART 9: been going strong nearing 2 years. I believe there are some post of users of the DV 20 ... 
Upgrade from DV 17D3, looking for recommendations!
Thiefoflight-My final setup: referencing the BACK of the cart, perpendicular to the headshell, the angle in relation to the record surface is a slightly LESS than 90 degrees,so the cart is tipped up. VTF@ 1.8 grams.We both use the Foz, I don't hea... 
Upgrade from DV 17D3, looking for recommendations!
thiefoflight-Goodluck with the incoming ART 9.I took a look at the Tekton website. Surprisingly affordable and nice specs.What model are you using? Their "statement" model looks serious.  
Upgrade from DV 17D3, looking for recommendations!
theifoflight-The thread strays here and there, but useful info. There are a few mentioning the DV17I have been using the 9 for 1.5 years and no desire to go beyond. As mentioned in the thread, it's playing on some SERIOUS tables way beyond my VPI ... 
Upgrade from DV 17D3, looking for recommendations!
thiefoflight-I use an Audio Technica ART 9 on my VPI Classic. It's plugged into a Foz v2.Check out the thread on the ART 9. A 17D3 owner mentions his preference of the ART 9.I almost purchased a Lyra Delos before reading the thread. Users of many ... 
Anyone own or heard of PrimaLuna?
"Wondering those who bought a $35,000 amps just because they can afford and it's more of lifestyle or the $35k gears truly that great?"Generally, those REALLY expensive amps ARE NOT an apple to apples comparison to the PL line. They are designed f... 
Anyone own or heard of PrimaLuna?
Ifyou do a search, the PL threads go back a decade.One of the few "bang for your buck" tube amps(domestic or USA)Great gear AND company support if needed. I've had EXCELLENT technical warranty/technical support from PL.If you're not  stuck on"made... 
clear audio Basic Plus phono stage or Heed Quasar
I used Quasar before upgrading to a tubed unit twice the retail price.I see the retail cost has gone up a bit since I had one($700)Very nice and quiet  unit with "audiophile" credentials-discrete compononets(no amps) and separate power supply.If y...