
Responses from tablejockey

Phonostage for Rega P10
These NVO guys coming out are making my "buy now" finger twitchy 
Phonostage for Rega P10
Moving to another tubed stage in a similar price point may be a lateral move. Naturally there will be sonic differences, but you may hear them as too sublte, and not worth the hassle.You may have to take the leap $$ to hear dramatic difference wit... 
Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....
"I got lucky and located a NOS McIntosh MR-67 FM tuner."Talk about lucky...excellent score. NEVER seen a listing for a NOS Mac tubed tuner.My 1965 MR71 has been seeing overtime lately. If one can't have a Marantz 10B or the rare REL,  a Mac or Sc... 
Cartridge recommendation for classical listening
"The CJ IS a tubed preamp."Perfect, you can go directly to a P8/10!! 
Phonostage for Rega P10
Since you like tube, I would have one of these on my radar. was "flavor of the month" in the forums years ago.Based on reviews, the Ares is a ... 
How does this make sense, any sense? Any sense at all??
Why would you pay 38 grand when you can get the same category for 1500?Sigh...consider another hobby 
Cartridge recommendation for classical listening
"I was amazed at what the turntable was capable of with this new cartridge."rvpiano-The transition from MM to MC was dramatic to my ears. The Bird will sing best, playing it thru the most phonostage you can afford. This is another MAJOR area of a... 
Chambers Brothers Time Has Come
Well, it's not like I don't have "time" to sift thru the collection.......Something about the title "Time Has Come Today" seeming  fitting for the MADNESS. I haven't deconstructed the song to figure out what it means, but certain lines sure align ... 
Cartridge recommendation for classical listening
When I had a modded Rega P5, I tried the Sumiko Blackbird.Great introduction to MC, if it's your first. You definitely have to be aware at at all times, when you're near the arm. The cantilever is quite delicate. Are you using the Low or High outp... 
Andy Kim - Needle Clinic
Just look at it as not getting the discount on the cart, if you purchased it as a package. 
Charity store bin diving? Am I the only one that suffers this addiction?
Bin diving at the Goodwill is a favorite pastime. I can shop like a king for $20. Timing is everything, however. Good finds get picked up fast. So it's a matter of  when something is put in the bins. 
Bottlehead phono preamp project during Coronavirus boredom?
If I were inspired, I would build one. Looks straight forward. The website indicates 50 dbs. Good for HOMC. You can either integrate or have a separate step up. looks interesting as... 
MUST Have Vinyl
Huh? You have a serious system, and you have to resort to this place for music suggestions?Revoke this mans card! 
"I stopped buying Better Records hot stampers reissues once I heard how much better The Electric recording sound. They’re expensive but worth it."Yeah, they are....expensive. But if one has a system up to the task, what the hell...we only go aroun... 
Radio Swiss Jazz
Can anyone make the comparison of a good ol fashion  FM tube tuner against one of the current streaming units?Just curious. I have the luxury of good reception, so no desire to stream.