

Responses from synthfreek

Why would itunes strip data from .wav files? 3 Qs:
I thought the proper way to do what you were needing to do was use the "consolidate library" feature under the advanced menu. This way will keep all your directories correct. I had no problems when I did this. To convert all of your library to App... 
What Happened to CD Clubs & Stores to Buy CDs?
I guess I'm lucky to livei in Austin. We still have a wealth of stores to choose from. World-famous Waterloo Records & Video, End Of An Ear(ex 33 1/3 guys), Cheapo, Backspin, Half-Price Book Store, Antone's, CD Warehouse...and I still buy tons... 
Your First Concert was.....
Black Sabbath-1972-2 years old. My mom was a metalhead! She still has pics somewhere taken right on the stage-side of Ozzy. He's wearing that ugly brown suede suite with the fringe. She also took me to see Jethro Tull and T.Rex before I was even 5. 
Mac mini vs Macbook PC audio sound quality
I think the Mini has the advantage because of its sheer physical quietness, 
Is this a reasonable Audiophile Mac-based Server?
That should work. The only thing that I'm thinking now is that you'll want to have an internet connection available(usually via ethernet) to look up cd info and album artwork when ripping newly purchased cds. Do you have a vga jack on the back of ... 
Is this a reasonable Audiophile Mac-based Server?
I'm still a little confused why everyone insists on going wireless instead of getting a Mac Mini, a dac & a huge hard drive that can interface directly to your system. Throw a wireless keyboard/mouse or an Apple Remote under your sofa and you'... 
Kaki King female guitar goddess?
I for one do not like this movement of slapping the guitar. The last few years has seen a rash of these guys/gals rehashing what Michael Hedges did 20 years ago just not as good. Guess I'm weird like that. 
Can you test my internet radio station please
Sorry if anyone's been trying to listen the last few days. I've been on a quest to rip my entire cd collection to two 1000GB hard drives and I can't run my station when I do that. Keep arguing though...I like that. 
Best alternative CDs of 2007
I do like the Band Of Horses and New Pornographers releases but agree whole-heartedly on Rilo Kiley. They just peaked with Execution Of All Things and went downhill from there. 
Difference between Fubar II & III beside headphone
I just ordered a Fubar II. I'll let you guys know how I like it soon. 
Best alternative CDs of 2007
Thom have you heard Phosphorescent? Their newer album Pride is great but their masterpiece from a few years ago is titled Aw Come Aw Wry. Imagine Neutral Milk Hotel on valium. I like that album by The Field a lot. Some electronic stuff in that vei... 
Warner and Blu ray?
No joke Johnnyb53. I thought Mitch was kidding at first but he seems serious. I would NEVER watch a movie in 4:3...period. That would be the exact opposite of immersive to me because all I would be thinking about while watching it is that I'm miss... 
What's your favorite remake of a song
Mudhoney livens up The Rose bit! 
Best HDCD cd's ?
I was just going to say that you may already have a bunch and not even realize it...like all the Van Halen albums. 
dts question
Tiggerpooh...even a basic $40 dvd player should decode DTS. Are you sure you don't already have the ability to do this?