

Responses from syntax

High End Reproduction is back
Hi Gallus and Bill,I do not know so much details, the fideles cartridge is based on his own idea and out for a while to his dealers. All I know, their customers like it and the orders for it are growing.With the table..I guess, here you have to as... 
High End Reproduction is back
Yes, found itName of Cartridge: The fidelesoutput 5.5mV 
High End Reproduction is back
"he" is Mr. Brakemeier from Acoustical Systems.Other reference?you think about reviews, other owners or similar?Well, this here is a report from High End 2018, every manufacturer there shows his latest product(s).I have no idea about something els... 
High End Reproduction is back
the test with the Sutherline Timeline sorryCorrect is: Sutherland TimelineSomething differentOne of the very best Sound at Show with digital Playback wasfrom a Vitus Audio combination driving small (more or less, but room & WAF friendly) Marte... 
High End Reproduction is back
I am not up to date with the Phonostage, it has tubes inside but I do not know much details. I guess it is a combination with transistor and tubes. Very quiet definitely (dead silent) and is able to reproduce all sonic nuances without sounding dea... 
Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning
Using Holy Water .... improved Headroom 
Well Tempered Turntable 
Looking for the best moving coil cart that is around $5K used
To Whart and Invictus005:Thanks for your responses. I think I had dirty ears or something last night. My Urishi Black was sounding better than my XV1s and neither was sounding very good. Maybe I'm getting an ear infection.Did anyone else not re... 
2018 exactly what is ‘High End’ audio?
High End today is expensive Hardware rolling without any clue what's going on.....We listen first with our eyes, then with our wallets. After taking both factors into consideration, it is then that we use our ears just to "verify" what our eyes an... 
Great Experience with Feickert Protractor
If you can afford the very best, go for Acoustical Systems.  
What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?
No. There is no way to improve a given signal.It can be possible that the tape has higher gain in the output stage and this can give the impession of better dynamics / detail in a given stereo system. 
Is tonearm cable the most important cable in the system ?
Most important ....Yes 
Basis Turntables: Worth it or Ripoff?
Basis is very good.But to know how good it is you have to know why the other ones are so bad.When you know nothing, it is like rolling a dice. 
Why do turntables sound different?
I think, most manufacturers have no idea what they are doing and why?They buy some parts, think they are good because they get praise from people who also have no idea from anything (revievers/customers) ....and the story will go on and on ... 
Most overrated bands
Phhhh.... tough question ....Beatles ?Coldplay ?