

Responses from swampwalker

System for the hearing impaired
Not to hijack this thread, but Buconero117, your contributions on this issue have been outstanding. I am moving toward aids myself. If you live in the northeast, pls pm me. I'd like to have an off-line conversation on this. 
Norah Jones
Big fan. Great band for her concert appearances as well. Also she is very good at live collaborations such as her work w Bonnie Raitt and Dolly Parton and others. I really like the fact that she can move back and forth between genres effortlessly. 
Questionable Estate Auction practice
I was trying to point out that it's rarely as easy as "take him to small claims court". Even when you have an "open and shut" case; like when I have a client that does not pay a bill for work they ordered and for which they received value, it's ve... 
Need help with a Tube PREAMP.
Matt- The MW is a value leader IMO and about as ss-like as you will find in tube line stage. Neutral in my system and was not embarrassed by the much more expensive Doshi Alaap that is covered for while the Doshi was in for service. Enjoy. 
Questionable Estate Auction practice
Look, this is kind of a silly argument but my point is that given the $ limit in small claims (my state is $2500). Even if you "win" by default, then you most likely will have to pay a sheriff or marshal to serve the judgment and then given that t... 
Questionable Estate Auction practice
Small claims, as far as I understand it, is when Joe says Frank owes him $X for a service or for an item that was delivered but not paid for. Frank says the service was not performed, or the item was not delivered, or the service/item was not as a... 
Questionable Estate Auction practice
Zd- I agree, contract was created. Auctioneer broke contract, what are the damages? Not a lawyer (but I play one on TV) but again, what kind of relief could you get? No court is gonna take the items away from the system purchaser and Fse did not l... 
The Audiophile's Wife no longer putting it out?
Hey Schubert- chillax. 
The Audiophile's Wife no longer putting it out?
Whew. For a minute there I thought you said the audiophiles wife was longer putting out.... 
Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?
Raul- Not to be a nit-picker, but it seems to me that your accuracy analogy to the earth;s rotation is counter to your arguement. Unless I am mistaken, the earth's rotation is not "accurate" if by that you w/o variation. For example earth wobble a... 
Female Vocalists Galore "Respond II" Album
Thx. I'll have to check them out. 
Questionable Estate Auction practice
Sleazy practice at best; deliberately deceptive in all likelihood. It seems to me like they knew they had a bidder for the whole system and used the individual bidders as "shills" to run up the price. Plenty of very questionable practices in aucti... 
Peak listening levels-
I'm w Tboooe. Maybe up to low-mid 80s on occasion. 
To Ride and Not Go Deaf
Now another reason not to ride a donor-cycle ;-) Seriously, National Institute for Occupational Safety says maximum exposure time is 16 hrs @ 82 dB but drops to 8 hrs @ 85 dB. So it seems that its probably a good idea to stop and give your ears a ... 
"NEWEST'" Favorite album
Slaw- Thx. I'll have to check out Pieta Brown. Huge Tift fan. I love the way she can go from acoustic ballad to rock. When I saw her a couple of years ago, her band was outstanding. I also really seem to enjoy musicians who go back and forth from ...