

Responses from swampwalker

To Tube or not to Tube......
You won't find phase angle in most manufacturer's specs, but if Stereophile's JA did a review, he usually provides that info graphically. but like Unsound says, they are likely to be fine for tubes. 
At What Age Does An Audiophile Buy His Last Amp?
Tbg- I hear ya. I'm beginning to have second thoughts about storing speakers I'm not using, but like too much to sell, in the basement! Getting 'em DOWN w a handtruck w/o a crash was a bitch, not sure what I'll do when I want to fire em up again. 
Solid State to replace Audio Research REF110?
Maybe it's just me, but if I had three very expensive amps from the same company require expensive repair as a consequence of an unavoidable and unpredictable aging process (output tube failures, like light bulb failures, are inevitable), I'd thin... 
Quad ESL 57 system upgrade help requested
Dkarmeli also gives some good advice, which I must admit I thought about while writing the post above. It's an equally valid approach. Part of the decision process for you, I would think, is whether you consider the journey as part of the process.... 
Solid State to replace Audio Research REF110?
There are lots of great reliable tube amps out there. In the past 10 or so years I've had Berning, Atma=sphere, Lectron, RAM, Joule and VAC. I've never had a catastrophic failure. One time, one of the big Russian MIG tubes "ran away" on my Joule w... 
Decisions, decisions....
I'm not an vinyl expert but unless you enjoy tinkering w your 'tables, I'd second/third the idea of getting one table, but I think you might focus on one that can handle 2 or 3 arms or get an arm w interchangeable headshells or arm wands. 
High Pitched Electronic Noise from AC/Heater Unit
Are you getting the noise through your speakers when the heater/AC is running or is it the heater/AC that is actually emitting the noise? 
Quad ESL 57 system upgrade help requested
I could go as high as $50,000 but...I want a wonderful system that I can spend my time listening to that won’t put me to in the poor house.Wow, my first thought was that I'd like to live in your poor house...but then I started adding up the retail... 
To Tube or not to Tube......
"Should I use the 4 ohm or 8 ohm tap?"Yes ;-)Only your ears can say for sure. 
popping noise
Reasonable probability that you are hearing noises from your sources as they shut down. General rule of thumb would be source-pre-amp for turn on and amp-pre-source for shut down. 
To Tube or not to Tube......
Ebuzz- They would be considered 6 ohm w a relatively flat impedance curve. Together w the 90 db sensitivity (and assuming no really unusual phase angles) they would be considered "tube friendly". 
I need help selling an item
Why don't you pay for an ad like the rest of us? 
Black Discus - Free Sample Alert
Hey, dude- Why you re-running the exact same post you placed a month ago? Smells a little fishy to me. Just my $0.02. 
Tube preamp question
Duckman- Not to complicate matters but according to this poston AVS Forum, the MC-12B is not "a 'truely' balanced circuit as Lexicon feels that is the wrong way to build a product. The DACs (on both the MC-12 and MC-12B) are run in dual differenti... 
Tube preamp question
I have never used a Lexicon but I am "thinking" that the analog pass-thru feature MAY indicate that those inputs do not route the signal to the digital signal processing section or DACs in the Lexicon. But I "think" it might route the signal thru ...