

Responses from swampwalker

New Management at Atma-Sphere Music Systems
Interesting. Veddy interesting. 
Recommendations discs for SACD/DVD-A trial
Omains- Good idea. Didn'tknow Nickel Creek and a hybrid disc. I have one of their CDs. Maybe its a hybrid and I don't know it. I am a bluegrass (esp. 3rd gen) fan. 
Can tube amps play loudly?
Chris- There are plenty of 89-92 dB speakers out there that a decent tube amp can drive you right out of the room with. Slappy seems to have his math right (go figure!) but remember that volume also drops off by 3 dB (I think) with each doubling o... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
Slow- kewl. Keep us posted. 
Best of Hearing Aids for deaf Audiophiles? Huh???
Fat- You better keep that FAR away from your teenage children (if you have any). They will make your life miserable if they ever see that headline. Scrambled brains, indeed. 
Hum or buzz through speakers
Newbee (time to change your name, dude) is most likely right. In addition to poor ground at outlet, could also be a bad IC ground, or induced hum from an IC or speaker cable near the power cord. 
tube amp suggestions
BAT would be good. YOu could run balanced all the way. I also listened to the VR-4 SEs driven my a Berning ZH-270 and thought that was a pretty good match. Prodigous bass and plenty of drive in a modest sized room. 
Recommendations discs for SACD/DVD-A trial
Thanks, Kal. I'll do that once I get all the pieces together. 
Recommendations discs for SACD/DVD-A trial
jdaniels- the thought here is that the 2900 plus mods would cost about what I can get out of my EMC. So I keep the one I like best and sell the loser. 
Recommendations discs for SACD/DVD-A trial
OK!!! The only thing sweeter than winning the pennent is beating the Yanks to do it. :-D. Now for something completely different. I own the Allison Krauss Live on CD, so I will get the SACD, the Patricia Barber SACD and CD and one or two more. As ... 
Recommendations discs for SACD/DVD-A trial
El- West Hartford. Go Sox indeed. I want to make sure that the SACD layer on a dual disc is actually from the analog master tape, and not from the 16 bit master like the Norah Jones fiasco. Otherwise, its not showing what the new format can do. Is... 
which subwoofer?
Unfortunately, unless your Cayin has a tape loop or a pre-out main-in, you will not be able to use the Vandersteen, which would be my first choice from a sound standpoint. It needs to be inserted between the pre and the amp. 
Best of Hearing Aids for deaf Audiophiles? Huh???
Great post Timf. 
ARC sp10 joy and concern...
Hi Dave- If the buzz is from the power supply and isn't heard through your speakers, its probably a mechanical bzz from the transformer. Notoriously difficult to get rid of. Try tightening all bolts holding it down, try putting it on a different c... 
Preamp Deal of the Century
try on the back of the unit. Or maybe there is no monitor circuit and thus no switch.