

Responses from swampwalker

Problem with American Beauty DVD-A
Jond- Some suggestions here; I will email you off-line if these don't help.Eld- I will ahve to give that a try.Dave- My problem seems to be the opposite, but maybe my player is not set up correctly. I will have to try and slog through the tome, I ... 
Could my A-gon brothers please....
Magnum Dynalab makes a pretty expensive indoor antenna and a tuning box; check their web site. They also have the ST-2 which is an omni-directional whip. 
Newbie received Dual 1249 gift, need advice...
If you are up to spending $25 on this, get a Shure stylus pressure gauge and try about 1.5 gms downforce. 
Could my A-gon brothers please....
HOw much are you willing to spend? Attic or living area? WAF important? 
Who's got the best user name?
Clueless gets my vote, when you include his/her sign-off line. Haven't heard/seen anything from him/her in ages. You still out there boy? 
Why do I need a phono-pre???
All depends on whether your receiver has a phono-stage in it. In the days before CDs, they all did; now most don't. 
Headphone amps
The microZotl works just fine with the Senns (my second HP rig), but may be a little laid back for some. The 650 is better. Hard to find the micro used, but they do turn up on Head-fi occassionally. Cheaper than the RKV for sure. 
Headphone amps
Another good choice is an Audiovalve RKV Mk2. Its got some punch which is nice with the Senns. Has a loop out. OTL/tube design, tubes are inexpensive and amp auto-biases. 
New Construction Acoustic Design & Consulting
My thought is that with the amount of $ you are going to spend on the construction of this room, and the kind of equipment I would guess you would go for, the $1K fee is dirt cheap, esp. if it can help you avoid ONE mistake. 
Has any heard of rawshipping.com?
Drop that baby like a hot rock!! If it looks like a scam, smells like a scam and googles like a scam, it ain't legit, IMO. 
Music with good gospel choir
HOw about Ladysmith Black Mombazo, South African male vocal group with several albums, who backed Paul Simon on Graceland. If you ever get a chance to hear them sing, do not miss it. An experience that cannot be described. Also how about the Persu... 
Two subwoofers in smallish HT room?
Yes it makes sense, no its not too small. Although you may want to try it in other locations along the front wall. 
Help needed for outdoor stereo with no electricity
If you got some hi-eff horns, you could use a micro-Zotl as an amp. It is set up to run on DC battery power with a flick of a switch. 
Almighty TT hum --- help
Try the NAD w a line level source. that should help you isolate it. Also check cart leads. 
Using a CDP to copy a cd to computer
If you have a sound card that has a co-ax or toslink digital in there is no reason why you could not do it. Whether there is an advantage is another question, that I cannot answer.