

Responses from swampwalker

Ars Sonum/SBAM hook-up
Bob- Ars is an integrated amp w/o pre-out main in jacks, so SBAM cannot be inserted between pre and amp. I have placed the SBAM in the tape loop of my other pre-amps and that works just fine. Also from the BAM manual, it seems that tape loop is al... 
Stand out phono stages
OK, I'm just starting to get a handle on the ZYX Artisan which on first listen is just outstanding. So far I think its better than my VAC Ren Mk2 (not sig) which was better than Aesthetix Rhea and almost as good as Doshi Alaaps in a head to head t... 
Need reco for IC to tame a bit of
Cardas GR? 
Ground Loop Hum
If the CATV turns out to be the problem, try a Rat Shack ground isolation transformer on the cable line, or as a temporary fix, two of the 75 -300 ohm transformers, installed back to back (CATV>>75 ohm>>300 oh>>75 ohm) 
Any reason to spend $$ on hi-end ICs for an iPod?
Color me skeptical. 
Fuzzy Sound in my Audio Research SP16 Phonostage
I'm no expert, but IIRC the phono stage in my SP-p used on half of a 6DJ8 for each channel of the phono stage. 
Mounting of a tonearm.
IIRC, innermost tracks are hardest for the stylus to track. Try adding a touch more VTF or anti-skate. 
Is turntable == phono stage == cartridge right?
You are going to get a lot of different opinions on this. I will tell you that while some folks really like the Benz Lucasheck phono stage, I found it to be uninvolving. Hard to put my finger on it, just a bit bland. You might start there. If you ... 
Best protractor for aligning to cantilever
Dmgrant1- You are the man!!! or woman!!! or person!!! I have some of their LP fluid, but did not know that they did protractors. 
Joule Electra LA150 MkII or Lamm LL2 Deluxe?
Some people (myself included) cannot live with the "steps" in a stepped attenuator, esp. if the pre-amp itself is a high gain device. It was always too load or too soft. 
Just an update
thx for the update. Those Rectilinear 3s were considered SOTA in about 1970; 5 way with 6 drivers. Often found paired with the great Marantz receivers of that day. 
On the Fence with Analog Vs. Digital. Need Help
I agree with Plato and the combo of the Adcom and the Paradigms with a mid-fi CDP could be a big part of your problem. That said, you have to spend pretty good $ to get a CDP that beats a modest cost TT, but you do need to budget for a phono stage... 
OK, record is now clean, how about the Stylus?
Ed- Yes it does. Run a search and you will see the recommended technique. 
Plasmas and reliability problems above 6000 ft alt
check over at avsforum.com for a definative answer, but IIRC, that was "urban legend" along the same lines as "they need to be recharged with gas" after X years. 
Noob jumper questions...
I would use the bananas, supported by ties. If the speakers are that unstable, you need to find a better way to support them. They will likely sound better the further you pull them out into the room.