

Responses from swampwalker

Matched Tubes do I need them and why?
Assumming that each of the tube types AX7 and AU7 are one per channel, then yes a matched pair of each is recommended. As to how to get them, if you are buying new, just ask the vendor to sell you matched pairs. They will charge more, but shouldn'... 
How much weight can an upstair room can hold?
Hevac1 is correct. one thing you can do is use some tape to mark the ends of the crack to see if it is elongating. Elizabeth is correct about storage of LPs, but 500 lbs of gear should not be a problem at all. Also consider where the gear is locat... 
Budget amp recommendation needed
Are you sure about the 78 dB efficiency figure? You would need LOTS of muscle if that's correct. You might get lucky and find a McCormack DNA 1 at the high end of your budget. OTOH, if its actually 87 dB, then a used DNA 0.5 which to my ears is a ... 
How much weight can an upstair room can hold?
YOu can ask your local building official what your state building code is based on for a residential structure second floor. Also you can figure that a 200 lb amp = one fat-a$$ed American and draw your own conclusions. And remember that most build... 
Music server
How much are you willing to spend for what pieces? Server typically needs some kind of network player if you want it to be located other than in your "music room". Or you can output directly to a dac if they are in the same room. I've never compar... 
I need help with my Equipment addiction
Onhwy- I read the op as a tongue in cheek. Certainly my answers are. Sorry if I missed the point. 
I need help with my Equipment addiction
Might as well include your bank account #s and a power of attorney. I'll handle it all at no extra charge. I know, it sounds to good to me true, but I'm just a giving kind of guy ;~) 
I need help with my Equipment addiction
You do not know me, but you seem like a very trustworthy person. The only hope is to exorcise the demons that have possessed your gear. If you send it to:Swampwalker 123 Main StreetMonrovia, Liberia, Africa 12345along w a certified check for $17,5... 
Just got the PS Audio Perfectwav DAC -- Amazing
I for one can clearly hear the loss of detail if, on occassion, I use the digital volume control built in to my MW transporter. 
Meeting point at RMAF for Audiogoners
Well that's a drag; me and Branislav and David will miss all the rest of you! 
Zero Feedback: Atmasphere vs. BAT
Scott- Both of those amps are balanced. Are we correct in assumming you have a true balanced output pre-amp? I had a BAT pre-amp a few years ago and then a pair of M-60s. (BTW, its an s-30 stereo amp @ 30 wpc or an M-60 monoblock pair at 60 wpc). ... 
Speakers to build a $6500 system around
Some people call Vandersteen "laid back", to my ears that's a bit of an overstatement. Veiled is not even in the picture (to my ears). I did not notice the fact that your room is tiled. In that case, I think the Vandys might be perfect. However, s... 
Speakers under $700 for 8W Per Channel Tube SET
With that room volume you will probably want 95 dB+ but much depends on your maximum listening "volume", minimum impedance, impedance variation (curve), type/presence of crossover and your listening position in terms of distance from the speaker. ... 
Speakers to build a $6500 system around
Vandersteen 2CE sig IIw are available at that price new, or much less used for the older 2CE sig. One of the real bargins in high-end. Another option is Von Schweikert VR4jrs used. The Audio Aero Prima CDP is quite good at about $1k used. Vanderst... 
Audio Aero has one, forget model #.