
Responses from suteetat

Lamm 2L Reference vs CJ GAT
Q3 certainly can use power but Lamm M2.2 is adequate to drive it as long as I use high impedance mode (220 watts into 8 ohms, 440 watts into 4 ohms). Low impedance mode with 220 watts into 4 ohms, 440 watts into 2 ohms with more bias into class A,... 
Lamm 2L Reference vs CJ GAT
Lloyde, my speakers right now are Magico Q3. I was using Lamm M2.2 with Usher Be-20 before that. Before Lamm, I was using ASR Basis Exclusive II. I heard Lamm ML2.1 with Be-20 before. Very nice midrange, more delicate and more detail than M2.2 hyb... 
Tube Phono Stage vs Solid State What do you think?
What preamp are you using? Many tube phono pre have rather high output impedance and will not drive many solid state pre amps wiht 10k input impedance all that well. There are only a handful of tube phono units that work well with solid state prea... 
Lamm 2L Reference vs CJ GAT
Lloyde, nothing yet. Unfortunately still no GAT at my local dealer. In the meantime, I went ahead with Aesthetix Io Eclipse phono stage so unfortunately I won't have budget for another preamp for quite awhile :( 
Esoteric D-05 dac and Oracle transport
D-05 can do all the oversampling to 24/192 or DSD at DAC end so you won't lose upsampling capability when not using Esoteric transport. However whether upsampling is really neccessary, that's a different story.The only disadvantage I could see by ... 
q3 magico
I think Q3 certainly can be matched with lower power amplifier but it certainly will benefit from more power as well but not quite to the same degree as Q5. Soulution 710 120w certainly will drive it very very loud in medium size room. However, li... 
q3 magico
Clavil, I am using Lamm L2 Ref/M2.2 pre/power with Q3 currently. 
What is Warmth?
Atmasphere, thanks for a really good explaination, electrical wise. Not to knitpick since I am learning a lot here but definition that GH gave for warm/dark is really more about imbalance between high frequency and low frequency. If I understand y... 
What is Warmth?
PS when talking about roll off high and mid/upper bass bump, I tend to think of some ported speakers or some tube equipments. However, a warm sounding class A solid state amplifier generally tends to measure pretty flat from 20Hz to 20,000Hz, does... 
What is Warmth?
Hi Raul, it is difficult to define such a subjective term. I agree with you about the location of recording microphone and actual listening position in a concert hall and all that. On the other hand, I am not sure about the difference between warm... 
q3 magico
I have Q3 now for several weeks. I think the description of Q3's sound in Ultra Audio is very accurate especially regarding absence of distortion/coloration, tranparency and the bass. Never heard any speaker with clean, highly detailed bass like Q... 
What is Warmth?
Raul, I disagree a bit about warmth in live classical concert. People described various concert halls' characteristic and warmth is certainly one word that keeps cropping up. I have not heard all that many great halls around the world but I would ... 
Lamm 2L Reference vs CJ GAT
Lloyde, on average, I would say that the sound at the HK show was quite disappointing. Arrakis setup was with VTL 6.5 pre and MB 450 monoblocks. The first day the sound was aweful. The second day was somewhat better but nowhere near what a smaller... 
Lamm 2L Reference vs CJ GAT
Thanks for your update. I hope my local dealer will get one in soon. I was at Hong Kong Hifi show over the weekend but did not see any CJ on active display there :( 
Magico Q3's at Goodwin's High End
I agree with Peter. For what it's worth, I really like V3 but not quite enough to upgrade my Usher Be-20. Q3 is a different story. Not that is matter much but I understand that locally, my dealer seems to get more order for Q3 these last couple of...