
Responses from styleman

Advice needed re: new CD player purchase
+1 for the Bryston BCD-3 
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables?
To anyone who has working ears, there is an obvious difference cables make in sound quality. The issue that science can't find a way to measure sound quality has nothing to do with whether or not it exists. I agree with that statement.  Saves m... 
Putting an end to the audio cable debate! Part 1
One takeway I got from these forums is that the most important part of a audio system is the quality of the source equipment and associated equipment, speakers, and from MC, Townsend speaker stands.   Speaker cables, interconnects and power cords ... 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
There is a high-fi dealer that has been trying to sell a new McIntosh C-53 pre-amp for months on Audiogon .  When I asked him why his customer traded in this new model so quickly, he replied that people buy Masc for the blue meters but performance... 
POowerCord for For the McIntosh MA6900
Thanks but I wound up with a Cullen Power Cord, 10 gauge running from a Shunyata power conditioner.  This was a new house I moved into.  When replacing outlets with Furutechs my electrician told me, to my pleasant surprise,  I had two 20-Amp circu... 
Joanie Mitchell - California, Joanie Mitchell - Carey    - both from BlueSarah Mclachlan - River 
Lay Off the Newbies!
I'm a newbie. Initially I got into trouble with one of your veterans, when in search of the right power cord and an understanding of connectors for 15 amp and 20 amp cords (really basic stuff for me), I pushed back on a suggestion that I install a... 
My Apologies to Miller Carbon
As a relative newcomer to this forum, I find millercarbon's posts very interesting and informative. He got me to put the Townshend  platforms on my "to buy" list when I can next afford it. 
Received a Bill for State Tax on An Amp Bought in Canada Last Year
When the state cannot collect a sales tax from a seller in another country (or another state), it can impose a “use tax” upon the purchaser often at the same rate as the sales tax. And I believe this is true in a private transaction between a buy... 
Help selecting a power cord.
I just bought 3 power cords from Patrick Cullen, They are execllent quality and are very reasonably priced. He was helpful in picking different cords for different components. He custom makes them to order, starting at 3 feet. It will take a... 
Help selecting a power cord.
I just bought 3 power cords from Patrick Cullen, They are execllent quality and are very reasonably priced. He was helpful in picking different cords for different components.  He custom makes them to order, starting at 3 feet.  It will take a few... 
So how can a great system solve less than great recordings
I agree with jbirdman333. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, even with very expensive equipment. Just this past Saturday, when I played a Rolling Stones compilation - hits from 1964 - 1970 - I thought "Sympathy For the Devil", one of ... 
Make way for the future....
This discussion is timely for me. I have a McIntosh 6900 integrated amp that I purchased on Audiogon in 2007. It sounds great. In 2018, Paul Seydor of TAS was “besotted”   by McIntosh’s then new C52 preamp. It has now been succeeded by the C53 (... 
This is very timely...
A few years ago I read in the "Letters" section of The Absolute Sound about a guy who was asked to leave an unnamed,  hi-end shop in NYC because he was listening to an iPod with little earphones  while browsing through the store. I wonder if that ... 
This is the list of the best makers of audio equipment. Respond if you disagree
P 05129:  Cassette tape was doomed when it started: not enough tape to record on, heat if using in a car, and the 1.7 ips speed. I have had reel to reel decks and 3 3/4 speeds sounded terrible too, 7.5 ips was listenable but the magic occurred...