
Responses from stuartk

Anyone Know of a Source for Plastic Sleeves that fit Two-Disc Digipaks?????
@ericsch    Thanks for the suggestion. I will take a look.   
Billie or Ella? Maria or Renata? Technique or feeling?
@rok2id  "Jazz is a way of playing music."  ---   Jelly Roll Morton. (he should know) Which means all of the first Jazz tunes, were not Jazz, when written, but played in a Jazz style later"   Yes! This is exactly what I was attempting to conve... 
Billie or Ella? Maria or Renata? Technique or feeling?
@frogman  "For me an even more interesting question is why, when considering artists in the admittedly very small group at the very top level of excellence, some listeners feel the need to declare one or the other “the best” as if that opinion is... 
Billie or Ella? Maria or Renata? Technique or feeling?
@chowkwan  "I stand back to no one in my admiration for Ella Fitzgerald's technique but all the vocal fireworks make for precious little emotion. Billie Holiday on the other hand makes you feel she's singing just for you." You do realize that yo... 
Suggest one obsure album we all should hear
Argus is a great one! Mine is "Annunciation" by the Subdudes, a band with a sound somewhere between Little Feat and The Band.      
what’s a song cover that you think is better than the original?
@dayglow  I can't fault the musicianship of House of Lord's cover but as I perceive them, the two versions are very different in terms of the emotional aspect. There's an "epic",  "triumphant" quality to H. O. L's version that is very different f... 
Of course, the sibilance is in the recordings but something is exaggerating it.   
@fdfrank  Many years ago, I had a Rotel amp + Rotel CDP + B&W speakers.  This was a very fatiguing system for my tastes-- I didn't hang onto it for long.    Can you perhaps borrow a different transport/cdp and amp from a friend and try each... 
Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister  RE: "Extraordinary Sarangi", when I listen to such players, it feels like they are playing my nerves for strings !    
Jazz for aficionados
Please do not forget Charles Tolliver, with the likes of Jackie Mclean and also as a leader!       
Jazz for aficionados
"Blame It On My Youth" is my favorite Art Farmer recording.            
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
  @frogman  Wise counsel. . . and ( speaking strictly for myself, of course. ;o)  ), not so easy to follow.      
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
@16f4  No, you are most certainly not "imagining" the Dead's off-key singing. Whether it was unlistenably so, all the time, depends upon one's tastes.           
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
@bdp24    Personally I love what a well-positioned dim. chord can contribute but tension and resolution is a major aspect in my listening enjoyment. This is not necessarily true for everyone.             
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
@russ69  I share your frustration and appreciate how you framed the question but I don't believe this is a gulf that can be bridged.