
Responses from stuartk

Jazz for aficionados
@curiousjim Thanks so much for the additional Zoller suggestions. I especially like the trio and will put it on my "To Buy" list! @alexatpos  "Cohn on the Saxophone" -- another title I'm going to have to buy. Thanks!   
Audiophiles, Music, and Equipment: Can We Be Both "Conservative" AND "Progressive"?
@nonoise ...tinder with explosives piled on top.  
Jazz for aficionados
@jdougs Thanks-- will check them out!   
Jazz for aficionados
@pjw81563 Daniel Humair: Cool Trading with Attila Zoller and Mike Formanek - YouTube Wow -- this is great!!!! Do you happen to know whether this group released any recordings?    
Does a particular musician’s songwriting and artistry speak to you above all others?
Impossible.  Even with my favorite artists, I never enjoy all their recordings.  And no single artist is sufficiently multidimensional to satisfy me all the time.   I'm much more recording-focused than artist-focused.  For me, it would be much... 
Jazz for aficionados
  @mahgister   Hammond cheese,eggs + bacon in maple syrup .... The real maple syrup ... Yes-- although currently residing in CA, I grew up back east. I know what real maple syrup tastes like.  Pour it over pork sausage!    
Jazz for aficionados
How could I have forgotten Stan Getz? @mahgister  Hammond cheese or Hammond eggs? ? ?   
Audiophilia: Is it the pursuit of audio excellence or just a desire to tinker.
  @jacobsdad2000  We simply have differing perspectives regarding what you dismiss as "semantics".     
Audiophilia: Is it the pursuit of audio excellence or just a desire to tinker.
@jacobsdad2000 While you may view it as "both", the fact is, you chose to frame the topic as an "either or".  Is it the pursuit of audio excellence or just a desire to tinker  
Jazz for aficionados
Can we broaden the scope a bit? Dexter Gordon: Art Pepper: Al Cohn: Zoot Sims: 
Weiss 501 DAC
@jimmy2615  The Music Room is a Weiss dealer. They have a return policy. You would have to pay shipping and restock fee but if you are seriously interested, it might be a good way to confirm or deny whether it's the right DAC for your system.  
Audiophilia: Is it the pursuit of audio excellence or just a desire to tinker.
@hilde45  My thought, exactly!    
Jazz for aficionados
@curiousjim I’m a big fan of Chick Corea’s acoustic and Fender Rhodes playing, but as is also the case with Herbie Hancock, I do not enjoy his synth recordings. It’s not Corea -- it’s the instrument, which I’ve never warmed to, overall. There ar... 
I think you’ll encounter this is any field of endeavor. it’s a very human weakness. More often than not, what I've found is that "true experts" have little to prove and therefore tend not to behave in this way. Of course, there are always excepti... 
Jazz for aficionados
Joey D. + Pat Martino + J. Scofield, Live: