
Responses from stuartk

Lay Off the Newbies!
@onhwy61: "But that is what it is. If you want a firm foundation in the electro/acoustics of music reproduction then reading a few books is a better source than an internet forum". No doubt. To clarify, I was thinking of a "common sense foundati... 
Seems to me you'll have greater flexibility in terms of pleasing your ears if you go with separates.  DACs can vary enormously in their presentation. John Darko once used a "cake" analogy, contrasting those who prefer to "taste cake" to those who ... 
Lay Off the Newbies!
"...only the self aware with some emotional intelligence will process it and perhaps….act on it…"+1 
Lay Off the Newbies!
"If you want a serious answer, then ask a serious question. People on this forum truly try to be helpful, but sometimes the OP should do some research before posting".Many try, yes. Others appear consistently more interested in pushing their pe... 
Nicks or McVie.....
"Its funny to read all the negative comments about one of the most beautiful singers of a generation"Nicks fans always highlight her sexiness and looks.  Her evident pitch problems are the main reason I don't find her singing appealing. . . In the... 
Lay Off the Newbies!
@hilde45:Excellent idea-- at least you care enough to have made the effort!  I may be mistaken, but it seems to me, when I first sarting asking for advice here, a good many years ago, there wasn't nearly as much snarkiness in evidence.  
Lay Off the Newbies!
@cissado:Yes!  Great post!  @david_ten:That learning necessarily involves difficulty is a given. . . in every aspect of life! Just because difficulties cannot be avoided does not mean one must always learn "the hard way".  It is possible, in many ... 
How to connect headphone amp when system has separate transport and DAC?
@pauly:My Aqua La Voce S2 DAC has one pair of RCA outs and one pair of XLR outs.As the RCA's are already in use, my only option is the XLR' the Neutrik a... 
Lay Off the Newbies!
Here is my take. . . When a newbie naively asks "What is the best ___ (insert component)?", it seems to me that the most helpful response would be one that encourages the newbie to trust his/her own ears, because ultimately what matters is what so... 
Speakers as the principle component/other components are servants
I didn't realize until I read this that there's actually a loudspeaker religion.  
RIP Rick Laird
How to connect headphone amp when system has separate transport and DAC?
The female Neutriks are too shallow and too loose to grip Acoustic Zen Silver Reference IC's.They're going back-- waste of time. 
What do you have on order RIGHT NOW.
Symposium Svelte shelf speaker set...Symposium Svelte Plus shelves and footers have made an enormous  difference in my system. 
RIP Rick Laird
@inna:Yeah-- that's a nice one.I've never paid much attention to Mahavishnu Mk II but perhaps I owe them a closer listen. 
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers:
@bdp245:"What I above meant by saying you can’t argue with success, is not that "popularity is proof of artistic merit", or even that there aren’t examples of garbage that sells well, but rather that anything that is popular and does sell well is ...