
Responses from stuartk

Anybody have Experience with Alta Audio Alyssa Speaker
@tjraubacher Just found the Stereophile follow-up review, responding to H. Reichart’s original : What seems odd, given what YouTube reviewers have repor... 
ribbons vs domes and sibilance
@knotscott  Good info can be tough to come by, so we often end up going our own way, which in the end can be a blessing, but is really tough to those starting out. Yes, in the end we each have to figure out what we like. I envy those who can b... 
ribbons vs domes and sibilance
@knotscott  IMHO, sibilance and over brightness are far too common, and it’s one of the most annoying aspects of many systems. ...and far too often I've read or watched a review of gear that sounded promising only to be disappointed at the end... 
ribbons vs domes and sibilance
@tonywinga  Can you say more about the dac factor?  For example, which dacs were involved? I ask because I'm currently using the internal AKM dac in my Hegel H390. AKM dacs are not, so far as I've read, usually regarded as peaky. I did sell my A... 
ribbons vs domes and sibilance
OK. I suspected what I’d read was overly simplistic and comments here appear to be consistent with my suspicion.     
ribbons vs domes and sibilance
@mike_in_nc  Thanks for your comments.  
... and now, with great fanfare, he's announced there is no censorship!       
Qualities Of An End-game System
@hilde45  New experiences changed my feelings. They alerted me to richer experiences I could strive for.  I suppose the statement is still true, but I made the mistake of thinking I felt something capable of ending my search and I was wrong. ... 
Jazz for aficionados
@mahgister Another excellent late-period Mariano: "Savannah Samurai" !  
I don't get it...Exile on main Street-Blue
@tylermunns  "If something doesn’t move you, it doesn’t move you. There’s nothing wrong with that, and it’s entirely possible that at some point in life, it will" ...and it's equally possible it won't, but as the man says, "there's nothing wro... 
I don't get it...Exile on main Street-Blue
@krelldog The following may be seem elementary/obvious to you. If so, feel free to ignore it. I’d suggest appreciating and liking are two different things and when it comes to esthetics, the former does not necessarily lead to the latter. What... 
Anybody have Experience with Alta Audio Alyssa Speaker
@soix  OK. Thanks for weighing in.  
Anybody have Experience with Alta Audio Alyssa Speaker
@soix I’m wondering if you’ve heard Fritz Carbons with Hegel amplification and if so, how you think they’d compare to the Pulsars and Alyssas.      
Kind of Blue
@tylermunns Actually, I haven’t had the experience you describe. And, as a creative person whose played guitar for 50 years, has a studio art degree in drawing/printmaking and enjoys photography and writing poetry, implying I'm  someone who dis... 
Kind of Blue
I don't understand the more extreme reactions to "labelling" genres of Jazz expressed here.   It can be very helpful to know which sub-genre a particular recording falls into, simply for the sake of finding other recordings one might enjoy. This ...