
Responses from stuartbranson

The AC fuse keeps blowing on my amp. Help
Turned out to be the rectifiers!! 
The AC fuse keeps blowing on my amp. Help
OKay, new information. I replaced the fuses and adjusted the bias and everything seemed good but then it blew again but this time I saw a flash from one of the rectifier tubes. I guess this is the problem but can anyone confirm? 
The AC fuse keeps blowing on my amp. Help
Yeah, a friend of mine replaced the fuse in her SS amp and the guy who sold the replacement gave her one of higher amp rating saying it will work fine and fried the amp. Someone else who used to work at Radio Shack suggested using a piece of a nai... 
The AC fuse keeps blowing on my amp. Help
Thanks. I'm going to try the fuses and if that doesn't work I'll call Kirk. Thanks for the lead. 
hardwood floors and spikes
If the floor is a wood joist suspended type you might want to put the speakers/spikes on a harder, more inert surface like granite or for a cheap fix some concrete flag-stones from home depot at about $5 per. I found the wood floor acted like a re... 
Cary SLI-80 owners. Questions
Thanks Patrick! Exactly what I needed. Thanks. I guess that explains why I did not receive an answer from Cary.I had the amp for a weekend before I took it in and it sounded great for the short time it worked properly. 
What are your favorite web pages?
If you want a good laugh check out:www.homestarrunner.comclick on 'toons, then "features", then "Strong Bad Email" make sure the sound is on."If you had superpowers, would you use them for good or for awesome!" 
How did you get into this hobby?
Grado headphones. Went to replace my earbud headphones and tried out a few full sized and started hearing what I was missing. The guy told me to go next door to the hi-fi shop if I wanted to hear good headphones. Bought a pair SR-60's and within a... 
Extreme Phono None-Felt Mat Residue
I have the same problem. Gotta throw in a word here so I can follow this. I can't believe I never saw this before. Guess I've been playing the same side too often. 
Amplifier match for MM de Capo i's
The new system is alive and sounding great!!! Thanks all. 
Amplifier match for MM de Capo i's
Thanks Chris. I'll be using a SR master coupler. 
Amplifier match for MM de Capo i's
Thanks for all the ideas. I went with the Cary Sli-80 integrated for it's price and option of triode and ultralinear. I've owned a Cary SLP-50A and was very pleased with every aspect of it, sonics and build quality.Hope it works out as well as tho... 
Amplifier match for MM de Capo i's
Terry, I was in touch with Ernie aka "Subaruguru" about the VAC and he mentioned something about it's very high output impedance. That may have something to do with your "dissatisfaction". I've decided to go with the Cary sli-80. (I loved my slp-5... 
Soundstaging and imaging are audiophile fictions.
What's missing here is that a live performance is also a visual performance. What the hall does not really do, the mind does with the spatial cues from the eyes. Sure the sound may be more homogenous if you close your eyes and convince yourself of... 
Jadis Orchestra Reference vs. Cary SLI-80
Now I've added a third to the list. The VAC Avatar.