

Responses from stringreen

VPI turntables
If you not completely happy with the unipivot, VPI has a 2nd pivot mod that I use...its about 100 dollars and is worth the cost and setup time.  
Sumiko Flux Buster Demagnetizer
Unless you know for sure that your cartridge can receive this treatment you can ruin it.   Check with the manufacturer  
What now?
The answer is earphones  
Acrolink Cables, anyone heard them?
I made my Accrolink power cords with the use of top Furutech connectors.   I haven't heard better.  
Okay to use RCA adapter on a fully balanced amp?
you are loosing what the amp is capable of if you are sure your amp is fully balanced.  
Phono Cartridge Purchase from Asia?
I had a Benz LPS.....wonderful cart....I suspect the one you're getting is similar in sound......pay the price and buy from the distributer  
What Brand Of Hearing Aids Are Audiophiles Using?
Go to Costco,,,,,Take a listen to the Phillips  
Outlet - Shunyata vs Hubble 20 amp
The best one I found after trying many.....Maestro  
Cartridge question
Get a Sure or Stanton or Pickering cart.  
Advice? Less than $4k, solid state preamp, neutral to gentle
I've got Ayre....  it's about 10 yrs old....never had a bit of trouble with it.  Sounds great.  
Hesitant to upgrade my phono cartridge
Paul G....if you raise the arm, be sure to adjust all the other parameters as well.   The Fozgometer is a very useful tool  
Power conditioner vs use of a audio grade outlet?
yup....I use Maestro's also  
Lyra Etna Lambda SL tracking force
The designer knows what he's talking about....follow the instruction    
My first tube integrated: which one to get?
Separates are better  
Do Costly XLR Cables Make A Difference?
it will make a difference if the XLR cables connect 2 components that are both differentially balanced.