
Responses from stevecham

need speakers for jolida502 and jolida cd
Ditto Zinfan's recommendation of the Kestrel 2s. I use these with a Jolida CDP and 302B amp. I have them almost up gainst the wall in a small room. Very nice, dynamic, full and very wide soundstage. Three dimensional stage is great and they seem t... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Rushton, got both of those Arm&Ell recordings and they are truly energizing. Shows you just how good recording, equipment, technique, musicianship was. Makes one wonder what has happened since then. I guess one could also include Classic's ded... 
What is the best arm for a VPI Aries 2 and Benz L2
I have the JMW 10.5 that came with it and am very happy with it. I used to have a HW19 with an SME IV that while good, is no comparison to the 10.5 in terms of silence on interbands. Plus it is very compatible with the Koetsu Urushi. I'm convinced... 
Best Genesis Album - your opinions please.
Sdatch, I saw them in the late Fall of 1974 in Boston at the Music Hall (now the Wang Center). I can remember the show like it was yesterday. No warm up band. The hall darkened and after a couple of minutes to let everyone's eyes adjust to the dar... 
Best redbook player for under $1000
The level of detail one achieves with the Jolida is dependent on the system and the tubes one has substituted for the stock tubes it comes with. My choice, after trying all the currently made 12AX7s, is Ei. I use the player in an all Jolida system... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Eric Johnson's "Tones" album I bought when it came out. 
Need Help on TDC Speakers
I used to own a pair of TDC 1 speakers. Actually, I guess you could say it was my first entry level mid-end system and consisted of the TDC model ones, a Cambridge Audio receiver (probably no more than 10 Watts RMS into 8 Ohms; in college I tried ... 
Phono cable, are they really different?
With my Aries 2 equipped with Koetsu Urushi I use Harmonic Technology Crystal Silver Phono Cable.Excellent extension and natural detail. 
Best phono preamp? Want world class the best
Pedrillo, that phono stage you have is an excellent one. Are you sure you are not in that zone of "gotta have something else?" The reason I ask is that you didn't mention the rest of the system that you heard that $7K phono stage with. Could it be... 
Tubes for Jolida 302B
I replaced the power tubes with New Sensor "Mullard" matched EL34s from The Tube Store. Also I replaced the 12AX7s and 12AT7s with JJ Teslas. I am also able to get these to bias right on at 40mV.The overall dynamics, clarity and extension were not... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
I am a big fan of Thiel and Meadowlark, owning a pair of CS6s and Kestrel 2s, and though I believe I hear and enjoy the benefits of time and phase coherent speakers I ave to tell you folks about an experience that still qualifies as the best I've ... 
Thiel 7.2 vs Wilson Sophia
If you want to set off WWIII, just send this thread to Richard Hardesty of Audio Perfectionist and Michael Fremer of Stereophile.Cheers! 
Cartridge Recommendation
Benz micro Glider is a good choice for that arm as well. 
Integrated amp, looking for suggestions & comments
Vman, you can't wait fifteen seconds for a Jolida 302B integrated to warm up? C,mon man. I use this for a second system and it has been set and forget and trouble free. Wonderfully warm and airy like a good tube amp should sound. Not expensive. Ch... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
Look folks. All of this is entertainment, OK? Just like professional sports and anything else in life that requires "spectation" on the part of the spectator, either visual or audible, or both. Stereophile, TAS, Hardesty and others are all about e...