
Responses from stevecham

Amp for rock/metal with high efficient speakers
Gotvai, ten inch midrange drivers are an oxymoron. Please research this for your own sake; midrange cannot be produced effectively by this size of driver. It's a matter of physics. What you will get with such a driver is, at best, upper bass, but ... 
Looking for a new powerful amp.
Arid, as opposed to liquid or wet i.e. undefined, loose and no detailGrainy, as opposed to smooth i.e. undefined or no detailLean sonic character, as opposed to artificially elevated mid bass hump i.e. inaccurate across the frequency band, especia... 
Calling on Vandersteen 5a owners
Bruce J: honestly you would part with your 5s? To purchase ANY other speaker would be a step down. I don't own 5s but if I did and I had available funds, I would hightale these back to Richard V for 5a upgrade immediately. And for what they are, h... 
Recommendations to "Professional" Reviewers?
I would like to see qualification from the reviewer as to why, before he or she even begins, that in the context of his or her SYSTEM, the component being evaluated can yield ANY useful information. I remember a spate of Thiel reviews where it was... 
Rush fans on the board ??
Moving Pictures followed by Permanent Waves 
Does your music sound better in a dark room?
Turn the lights way down and simply listen, our visual system is designed for high signal to noise ratio, which diverts attention, as it should, so lower the signal by reducing the ambient light level. 
Looking for a new powerful amp.
Krell..bright thin component.What kind of hash are you smoking D edwards cause it must be quite stale by now. 
List speakers thast can be put cloeto rear wall
Meadowlarks do very well close to the wall with no collapse of soundstage. 
New Records noisy
I've purchased a few Classic records and for the most part have been happy with them. But the copy I bought new of Peter Gabriel 2 is completely wrecked on the lead in spiral of side 1, and visibly so, the vinyl is like an unpaved road so that the... 
Looking for a new powerful amp.
I have heard the 5as powered with the newer Parasound monoblocks with excellent results. Very neutral and really made the Vandersteens very dynamic. 
A blood oath among Audiogonistas
! $$$$oooo-ay-er 
What is the best arm for a VPI Aries 2 and Benz L2
I had good results with the SME IV using a Benz Glider L2 and after trading up to the Aries 2 and the 10.5 I ran this cart for awhile. It was noticeably better, but after awhile it seemed a bit out of place that I had a $750 cart with a $4000 rig ... 
What is a good phono stage
I have owned the Jolida 9A for about three months now and can highly recommend this excellent phono stage. BUT you have to change the tubes. I am running Tung-Sols now and the detail and extension are impressive. 
Phonostage pairing?
With the variety of cartridges you have, perhaps the Manley Steehead is the best choice as it offers flexibility, which you seem to enjoy, and from reviews I've read, excellent sound. It is number one on my wish list. Currently I run a Koetsu Urus... 
Tubes for Jolida 302B
Wow, just got Tung-Sol 12AX7s and Mullard (New Sensor) 12AT7s and still more improvement. Better detail and separation. Very nice tuneful bass. Smooth and detailed is how I would describe it. Listening to Beatles Revolver on vinyl with this rig is...