
Responses from stevecham

Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all?
There is a reason why Vandersteen and Thiel do well and for so long in the business. Their design goals, while different, are valid. As I said earlier, it is a matter of time (no pun intended) before this parameter becomes a priority for other des... 
Newbie wants tube recommendations
Definitely check out Rogue Audio; I recently purchased a Cronus integrated and after about 100 hours on it I am still amazed by the sonic quality through the Vandy 2Ce Sigs. 
Which Power Amp to buy
Based on your preferences, you couldn't go wrong with either of the McCormacks. 
From Krell to McIntosh - Anyone?
"Really, Krell's acceptance and longevity in the market is positive proof to me that high-end audio criteria are essentially divorced from any notion of music fidelity in reproduction. I haven't heard Krell get anything right, so far."Gimme a brea... 
Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all? 1st crossovers are used, my mistakethanks for setting this straight 
Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all? order Butterworth is not 1st order. 
Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all?
"...maybe there is more then one way to skin a cat." Yes 4th order crossover by Green Mountain that intentionally present 360 degrees out of phase, yeah that'll fix things.Look, if the speaker demonstrates that wave fronts are leaving the planes o... 
Vinyl lovers--in case you haven't tried this yet
Gee, suddenly I don't feel so good... 
Tube 2nd system for 5k.
Jolida JD100Rogue Cronus integratedVandersteen 2Ce SignatureTara Labs interconnects and speaker cableUnder $5K 
Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all?
Though at times I needed to keep that loudness button pushed in, while in college I remember the day I realized it sounded much better with it out and the treble and bass controls set flat. The revelation happened on a day when no one was around a... 
Power for Thiel 7.2
I use a 400cx to drive my CS6s and this s a very good match; the Thiels are not sucking wind in any way, shape or form. 
Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all?
Khrys: I'm done. With the two systems I have, one tube, one solid state, I'm happy for the long haul. I like both Thiel and Vandersteen's designs equally, even though they are different, because regardless of the system, I can hear the depth of th... 
Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all?
So many great points raised here, where do I start?I asked Kathy at Thiel once if she or Jim knew of studios that monitored or mixed with Thiels let alone time and phase coherent speakers. They told me they had no knowledge. And even if the speake... 
Cartridge Break-In
Just play records, forget about break-in and enjoy the ride. It will happen and you will be glad that you controlled the break in process to get, about 50 or so hours of playing from now, the sonic satisfaction you seek. Like music itself, the bre... 
jm lab grand utopia be--- any thoughts ?
Ozy, my questions:Can you help me understand why anyone would want to hear timbre and harmonic content that is anything but accurate as possible upon transducing the signal fed by the amplifier?I mean, why would you want to hear only some of the h...