
Responses from stevecham

Paradigm Studio v2 VS. Vandersteen 2Ce Signature ?
There is simply no better value in speakers today than the Vandersteen 2Ce Signature. 
Solid state amp ultimate stop...
Obviously going senile when you find you have responded at least twice to the same thread. Perhaps a new thread on this very topic, if I can remember to post it... 
Solid state amp ultimate stop...
Krell 400cx. The last solid state amp I will ever need. 
Did Meadowlark go out of business?
About a year ago... 
Is There any Truly "High End" Integrated Amp?
The Rogue Audio Cronus is a true high end tube integrated for about $1800.I have one and like it as much as my Krell KCT/400cx combo. Different but audibly pleasurable. 
Meadowlark Ospreys with McIntosh/Odyssey
Meaadowlark has been, sadly, out of business for about a year now. 
Vandersteen model5a vrs Montanas
Vandersteens are accurate.Montanas are not. 
Do Physicists Or Musicians Design Better Speakers?
I'll add that the late John Dunlavy and Pat McGinty also realized this, even though both companies are (sadly) history. 
Do Physicists Or Musicians Design Better Speakers?
As far as speaker design goes, the only two guys in this industry that know what hell they're doing are Jim Thiel and Richard Vandersteen.All others are hopefuls, at least until they get aboard the time and phase accuracy wagon, and eventually the... 
Revel or Vandersteins 3A's /Which is better?
If you care about accuracy of harmonic content that is essential for proper definition of timbre, then there is no contest: Vandersteen does it , Revel, by design, removes harmonic content.It matters to me, but it might not to you. 
Mullard EL-34 reissues
I've tried all the currently manufactured EL34 types, including the Mullard reissues (had one go bad after two months, was arcing badly and blew several fuses before I said "nuts") but by far the KT77 tubes offered by Rogue Audio are the best I've... 
Which to turn on first...Amp or preamp?
It has been well stated by my esteemed colleagues above, but another way to approach this is:When powering up, work your way from source to end of the audio chain (speakers). Start tuning on at the beginning of the signal chain, i.e., the source (... 
Vandersteen 5A or Eggleston Works Andra II
In my small opinion, there is only one choice for accuracy of harmonic structure and timbre and that is the design that is phase and time correct.Vandersteen 5A: As with Thiel, you hear as accurately as possible the signal from the partnering ampl... 
8 Vs 4 ohms
Djk: I have a Cronus at 55WPC and found that the 4 Ohm setting sounded better with my Vandersteen 2Ces, which are above 4 Ohms nominally but still have a minimum impedance dip to 4 Ohms. The bass is better and there is a better dynamic punch. Do y... 
Class A power amp will give the best BASS SLAM?
A major consideration in answering your question regards the partnering speaker, as well as the rest of the components, which you didn't indicate. An amp alone doesn't slam, it's the complete system that all contributes to the end result in this a...